Example sentences of "[pers pn] speak with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels , as I often do , Harry still goes and does whatever he wants .
2 I spoke with the MM who had never heard of me , never read anything I had written and never heard anything I 've said on radio , e.g. to callers on advice line phone-ins .
3 I spoke with the forensic boys .
4 Can you speak with a Jewish accent ?
5 You speak with a strange accent I have not heard before .
6 She speaks with a broad London accent .
7 She speaks with a London accent , though her father knows the Royal Family .
8 She speaks with a Bedford accent .
9 She speaks with an almost childlike directness that wins over the most sceptical audience .
10 She speaks with an Irish accent ; a country accent , not like Crilly 's .
11 She spoke with a Dutch accent .
12 She spoke with a new intensity .
13 She was a big woman , tall and gaunt , and she spoke with a gruff , masculine voice .
14 She improvised wildly and skilfully , dabbing at her eyes while she spoke with a rather grubby handkerchief .
15 As Theda stood , rigid with wrath and dismay , the woman 's voice came up in volume , and she spoke with a perfectly nauseous degree of sweetness .
16 Lucy refused to take offence , yet her chin rose slightly as she spoke with a smile .
17 She spoke with a Brummy whine and had roots that were invariably darker than her ends .
18 She heard John draw a sharp breath beside her but she spoke with a bright-eyed defiance , not to Lord Wyatt but at the crowd behind him , noting with pleasure their discomfiture and annoyance .
19 She spoke with an accent so soft that it sounded as if an h was attached to each consonant .
20 I could n't go on living in a place where I was no use , ’ she spoke with the quietness and desperate authority of someone who had discovered they could give up no more ground and live .
21 She spoke with the air of an old warrior who has been in so many battles that bravery has become commonplace .
22 She spoke with the venom of thwarted passion , all too painfully aware that he spoke nothing but the truth .
23 We spoke with a Sergeant Walker there .
24 The young men holding office were still tactful , and even complicity helped people to avoid saying the wrong things ; but they spoke with the authority of government , and informed their elders of the facts of cases and the truths of matters .
25 He rang the bell and when he was greeted by a rather surly butler he enquired , very politely , if it might be possible for him to speak with the Signora Calvino on a matter of the utmost urgency .
26 It surprises me when he speaks with a Welsh accent between scenes .
27 Now Fat Vince is n't royalty but he speaks with a certain slot-mouthed restraint .
28 He speaks with a public school accent and looks every inch the business executive he , of course , is .
29 he speaks with a southern accent .
30 He speaks with the similar looking stocky girls .
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