Example sentences of "[pers pn] for [art] purpose " in BNC.

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1 I had no idea she was using me for a purpose of her own : I was too naive to realise until it dawned on me what it was , a few weeks later .
2 ‘ Well , Dacre came to find me for the purpose of asking my permission to address you , ’ said Kirtlington .
3 I just needed them for a purpose , and that was enough . ’
4 A health authority should seek out a group of " mature " female nurses and a group of male nurses who are in training and prepare them for the purpose of dispelling those commonly held misconceptions .
5 When I consider the striking natural beauties of such a river as that at Matlock , and the effect of the seven-storey buildings that have been raised there , and on other beautiful streams , for cotton manufactories , I am inclined to think that nothing can equal them for the purpose of disbeautifying an enchanting piece of scenery ; and that economy had produced , what the greatest ingenuity , if a prize were given for ugliness , could not surpass .
6 The Gnomes had rolled the designs for the new Crown Jewels into cylinders and packed them carefully into long , hollow tubes , which they had brought with them for the purpose .
7 As in Between , the binary definitions on which structuralist theory is founded receive parodic treatment which voids them of their original function and uses them for the purpose of telling the tale(s) of the novel .
8 Thus the case was presented on the footing that the documents concerned had come into being and were held by the solicitors for their client as the result of a suspected intent by a third party to use them for the purpose of furthering his criminal activity .
9 Listing particulars are required to contain all such information as investors and their professional advisers would reasonably require and reasonably expect to find in them for the purpose of making an informed assessment of the assets , liabilities , financial position , profits , losses and prospects of the issuing company and the rights attaching to its securities .
10 so when would the first figures be given by you for the purpose of printing , approximately
11 In addition to the attendance or financial loss allowance , a member may also claim travelling and subsistence allowances necessarily incurred by him for the purpose of performing an approved duty .
12 Mr Wilson complained to an industrial tribunal that the company had taken action , short of dismissal , against him for the purpose of deterring him from being or penalising him for being a member of the NUJ , contrary to s 23 of the EP(C)A .
13 the resources which he could expect to be available to him for the purpose of meeting the liability should it arise ; and
14 Save as provided in regulation 36 of these regulations , no person , being a motor trader and the holder of a trade vehicle , shall use any mechanically propelled vehicle on a public road by virtue of that licence unless it is a vehicle which is temporarily in his possession in the course of his business as a motor trader or a recovery vehicle kept by him for the purpose of dealing with disabled vehicles in the course of that business .
15 A person whom there are grounds to suspect of an offence must be cautioned before any questions about it ( or further questions if it is his answers to previous questions that provide grounds for suspicion ) are put to him for the purpose of obtaining evidence which may be given to a court in a prosecution .
16 ‘ A person whom there are grounds to suspect of an offence must be cautioned before any questions about it ( or further questions if it is his answers to previous questions that provide grounds for suspicion ) are put to him for the purpose of obtaining evidence which may be given to a court in a prosecution .
17 Taking the case at its highest against the plaintiffs I assume for the purposes of considering this point that either Mr. Twycross or his secretary took the opportunity of the presence of the son in the office to hand the letters in their envelopes to him for the purpose of delivery to the parents .
18 In relation to clauses which impose a monetary limit on damages recoverable in the event of breach of contract , the court is also to take into account : ( a ) the resources which [ the party seeking to rely on the clause ] could expect to be available to him for the purpose of meeting the liability should it arise ; and ( b ) how far it was open to him to cover himself by insurance .
19 Compliance by the defendant with the Code may be relied upon by him for the purpose of showing that the commission of an offence under ss20 and 21 has not been established .
20 The order was for the production of material relating to the purchase by a client , Mrs G , of certain real property , the allegation being that she was a member of the family of another person who was suspected of being a drug trafficker and who was using her for the purpose of laundering the proceeds of such trafficking .
21 Applicants were given cash grants , usually no more than £75 , and trusted to use it for the purpose they had proposed - such as buying a bicycle to do a newspaper round , obtaining equipment for a camping trip , or acquiring the wherewithal to learn a new skill or a sport .
22 Mr Jones did n't have the key ; it was kept at the ambulance station , whose staff would be told to lend it for the purpose required .
23 ‘ A witness may be cross-examined as to previous statements made by him in writing or reduced into writing relative to the subject matter of the indictment or proceeding , without such writing being shown to him ; but if it is intended to contradict such witness by the writing , his attention must , before such contradictory proof can be given , be called to those parts of the writing which are to be used for the purpose of so contradicting him : provided always , that it shall be competent for the judge at any time during the trial , to require the production of the writing for his inspection , and he may thereupon make such use of it for the purpose of the trial as he may think fit .
24 Like my man in Hampstead , he does n't trust people to collect money and use it for the purpose they say they will .
25 Persuaded by his own musical studies of the need to educate rather than indoctrinate church musicians , he extended the aims of the College of Church Music , incorporating it for the purpose in 1875 ‘ by special licence under Act of Parliament ’ as Trinity College , London .
26 In that case the buyer of a new Nissan car had had it for less than three weeks and had made two or three short journeys in it for the purpose of trying it out , before the engine seized up because of a latent manufacturing fault .
27 If the description of integrated circuits given earlier is now considered , it can be seen that the requirements are met ; there are two or more layers ( usually three ) , one layer is made of a semiconducting material and a pattern is fixed upon it for the purpose of performing an electronic function .
28 If we found an object such as a watch upon a heath , even if we did n't know how it had come into existence , its own precision and intricacy of design would force us to conclude that the watch must have had a maker : that there must have existed , at some time , and at some place or other , an artificer or artificers , who formed it for the purpose which we find it actually to answer ; who comprehended its construction , and designed its use .
29 The draftsman should therefore consider whether the landlord should have the right to enter the demise for other purposes also ( eg testing the property , taking samples from it or measuring it for the purpose of rent review ) .
30 On the other hand , where a landlord was entitled to determine a lease for " building sites or planting or other purposes " , he was held not to be entitled to determine it for the purpose of constructing a sports stadium ( Coates v Diment [ 1951 ] 1 All ER 890 ) .
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