Example sentences of "[pers pn] be hope will " in BNC.

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1 It 's part of a new study which it 's hoped will determine once and for all whether there is a greater incidence of cancer in the families of radiation workers .
2 It 's launched a promotional campaign which it 's hoped will attract more pupils .
3 A new type of cheese is about to go on sale , which it 's hoped will rectify an oversight of history .
4 A new hospital ward for children opens tomorrow which it 's hoped will help take the fear and pain out of their first hospital experience .
5 Short-term benefits derive from crime prevention amongst the young and an improvement in their perception of the police , which it is hoped will have residual effects in the long term when they are adults , but the wider community in Easton is only addressed secondarily as parents or guardians , which limits the short-term effects the programme might have on improving its perception of the police .
6 The Government reckons it will cost about £4 million to implement , 75 per cent of which it is hoped will be clawed back from industry .
7 There is also now a clearly identifiable civil use for plutonium as fuel for the fast breeder type of reactor which it is hoped will eventually replace existing designs .
8 It is sometimes a way of endowing a person with a responsibility that trains him to fulfil various roles in the future , or that it is hoped will change his character for the better , or that endows its holder with prestige , or that gives him a certain hold on other people and makes them more likely to act in his interests .
9 Experiments are being carried out at Cambridge on a wheat-rye hybrid known as Triticale , which , it is hoped will have the growing and ripening qualities of rye and the baking qualities of wheat .
10 This month 's Magazine contains the first of two articles by Bill Howieson which it is hoped will help all of us when we pray for our missionary brothers and sisters .
11 After considering the views of many of Scotland 's active climbers on the sue of bolts in Scottish rock climbing , the MCofS offers the following policy which it is hoped will act as a guideline to all climbers ( present , future and visiting ) , on bolt use in Scotland .
12 The Women 's Tennis Association have announced that fines for playing in an exhibition without approval in the same week as a major event have been sharply increased to a level which it is hoped will help to prevent it happening again .
13 The finished result will be a Fortran-90 mathematical library tool that NAG will likely market and that it is hoped will encourage the use of parallel machines in non-linear programming such as scheduling , planning and optimisation .
14 It may be possible to devise a system for including greater objectivity into descriptions , and Dr Peacock has been very helpful in laying down guidelines , which it is hoped will be published before long , but this is only a step in the right direction towards a fuller understanding of manufacturing processes , marketing and distribution , and the size and historical development of each industry .
15 Thus , radical reform restructures rape offences in ways that it is hoped will facilitate the prosecution process without jeopardising the interests of the accused .
16 Wood Group Offshore are one of the sponsors of the event which it is hoped will attract at least 500 runners .
17 Museum information officer Lynn Miller will join Sotheby 's experts on 19 December for a lecture day and identification session which it is hoped will achieve television coverage as well as major interest from newspapers and magazines .
18 As you may be aware , the Lothian Community Care Plan ( pp 53–56 ) includes a proposal to set criteria to form the basis of a quality audit of transport services provided by statutory voluntary and commercial organisations , which it is hoped will lead to the establishment of quality standards in the future .
19 Either the government can order large firms to be split up into smaller independent companies , which it is hoped will act more competitively ( the so-called ‘ structural approach ’ ) , or the government can leave monopoly firms intact but seek to control their performance , for example by monitoring prices and profits and ordering price reductions when firms appear to be exerting their potential monopoly power .
20 The Departments of Mathematics , Biological Sciences , Computer Studies and Electrical Engineering all showed exhibits of their work including Dr Crerar 's ‘ Ball , Box , Star ’ microcomputer application for the rehabilitation of stroke victims and Dr Mincher 's DNA research work that it is hoped will play a key role in the treatment of such diseases as cancer , herpes and AIDS related diseases .
21 The better arrangement would be to renegotiate the restraints to protect the goodwill which it is hoped will accrue to the new firms in their first few years of business after the demerger .
22 The consortium 's dire financial position has prompted Lothian Regional Council to provide up to £25,000 for an independent survey of the pit 's viability which it is hoped will restore confidence among potential investors .
23 BRITISH shipowners yesterday announced a voluntary code for the routing of tankers which it is hoped will prevent another Braer disaster .
24 Viscount Parker is afraid that if he were to open up his land , much of the flora and wildlife would suffer , including buzzards and also red kites , which he is hoping will soon be re-established in the area .
25 Resolved that this meeting concurs in Apinion [ sic ] with the said Committee — that it will be necessary to carry on the Business of this Institution as perfectly as possible , that there should be two Professors appointed & that as soon as the proposed plan for the College is executed , which , from the Encouragement already given , 't is hoped will be speedily accomplished — The members will avail themselves of the Offer made by the Committee and refer the Merits of Candidates for the second professorship to their investigation .
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