Example sentences of "[pers pn] have arranged for " in BNC.

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1 I had arranged for her to see a specialist , and he told me the condition was irreversible , that she would never lose her sight completely but that she would be almost totally blind within a year .
2 When the pass came and I had arranged for a fortnight 's holiday I travelled to the Pacific coast in a day coach : overnight to Calgary , and on for another 24 hours through the glorious panorama of the Rockies to Burrard Inlet , English Bay and Stanley Park , Vancouver .
3 I 've arranged for you to meet him first . ’
4 Look , I 've arranged for you to stay with us a while longer .
5 I 've arranged for her to work in my Paris branch .
6 In the meantime , I 've arranged for her daughter to stay with an aunt .
7 ‘ If you 've got time to go into the Herald office this afternoon , I 've arranged for you to have a look at his file in our library , ’ he told her .
8 I 've arranged for you to take Miss P. ’
9 I 've arranged for you to pick her up from her hotel at four o'clock . ’
10 ‘ So I 've arranged for a whistle-stop tour around the country houses of some influential contacts , and there are one or two long-standing debts and favours due to me that I 'm going to call in over this weekend . ’
11 Well , I reckon so , so I I 've arranged for someone else to do it now .
12 erm I 've arranged for an independent assessor to view this vehicle , and the view of that independent assessor is this is a straightforward claim against the insurance company , and I at the moment am pursuing that , so it 's a little bit of a conflict of interest that one , but that does give you some background on that particular case .
13 I have arranged for a picnic lunch . ’
14 I have arranged for ch'a to be served in the pavilion beside the lake .
15 I confirm that , as agreed , I have arranged for your Mr R Simpson to deal with any matters arising in connection with the above during my absence on leave from 7–21 August 1993 .
16 The documents are technical , and I have arranged for them to be placed in all public libraries in Cardiff , and notices to that effect have been placed in local newspapers .
17 I have arranged for that . ’
18 " I have arranged for both builder and architect to be here at two o'clock .
19 A devoutly religious person , she has arranged for our interview to take place in the church where she spends much of her free time , in advance of today 's Good Friday service .
20 Later I discovered she 'd arranged for one of her friends to phone and distract me so that she could make off with her booty !
21 When she finally came downstairs it was to find Carole insisting that , since this was their last night in the Hamptons before returning to the apartment in New York , she 'd arranged for them to have a romantic candle-lit dinner in their cottage .
22 After a concert or disco , if you 've arranged for someone to pick you up and they do n't arrive — speak to the organisers and ask them if you can phone home .
23 ‘ What , and ruin this wonderful party you 've arranged for me ?
24 Usually Beth accompanied her to town , but , seeing as the Hansom would be going right by the flower-shop , she had arranged for Cissie to be dropped off there .
25 Before Luke arrived back she had arranged for details and menus to be sent to her home address , and she was humming softly when he came in .
26 Video 8 , with its inability to dub audio separately , inserts both new pictures and sound , the latter being whatever was being picked up by the camcorder 's microphone while the title was being recorded — unless you have arranged for some other sound to be fed onto the tape !
27 I can not say how touched I am at the warmth of the reception you have arranged for me . ’
28 As befits a member of the millionaire class , we 've arranged for your family 's private jet to take you to Moscow .
29 Since then I 've been in contact with Kate Noble of Age Concern and we 've arranged for her to give a short presentation at the next meeting of Nether Wyresdale Parish Council on Thursday 21st January at 7.30 p.m. in Scorton School .
30 For this to work though , it was absolutely essential to get them to their spot a minute or two ahead of her , and to achieve that we had arranged for Mrs Thatcher to pause for a cup of coffee with the VIPs in a small room just outside the terminal door .
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