Example sentences of "[pers pn] have to go into " in BNC.

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1 Yet he had photographs of her in every jacket pocket , and they fell out of books at the wrong time and upset Eva ; and when he asked me about Mum , Dad and I had to go into another room , away from Eva , as if we were discussing something disgraceful .
2 He said , ‘ I do n't know whether you 've heard it , but it 's an old Humble Pie track called Black Coffee … ’ which was fantastic , because I had to go into the studio and copy myself !
3 A little while after that my Mum went to live with my sister and her family , so I had to go into a bedsit .
4 He said he did n't want to see my baby , and that I had to go into a home for unmarried mothers .
5 Yes I , after I lost my daughter I had to go into erm , into the factory to make aeroplane pieces at Burnt Mill cos I was so bad with my nerves after I lost her , er just afternoons I had to go and then I was taken ill I could n't do it , well then after my erm , I got my family off to school I took a part time job in erm one of the factories making tea in the mornings for the office and coffees and that for the office and then in the afternoons I used to do the tea as well , I used to cycle there , I quite enjoyed it until my right hip started coming bad then I had to pack it in , but I was in there , I was there for about four years and I thoroughly enjoyed it you know making tea and that , I did n't have to take it round only collect the money to go round and collect the money , but used to have to put the trolley outside and they used to come and get their tea each one , of which they knew which was their mugs and cups ha , you know , I , I thoroughly enjoyed that job , really great
6 Then I had to go into the Royal Marsden .
7 Well I 'm supposed to have Wednesday mornings that was the arrangement , Wednesday then I had to go into hospital
8 I had to go into the stable each day equipped with clippers and some nuts .
9 ‘ If you want any letters posted , ’ Fen said , ‘ I have to go into the next town we come to .
10 He says I have to go twice as far , to go round the car , and it can be quite dangerous as I have to go into the road .
11 She says it 's impossible , I have to go into the road .
12 I said here I said got she said oh I have to go into cash now I suppose I have to owe you another bleeding pound here you are .
13 She has to go into very strict training for the week before , and a week on Saturday means we can have the party on the evening after the Championship . ’
14 AS A small girl Arden saw A Flea in Her Ear and knew she had to go into the theatre .
15 But the smile disappeared to be replaced by a doleful frown when she had to go into dinner herself — and sit next to her husband .
16 Soon after I got my English A-level , mum learned that she had to go into hospital for quite a long time .
17 Old Miss Mahoney had a little house in Tanner Road , but she had to go into hospital last week , and if she ever comes out , she 'll have to go into a home for old people .
18 I smiled smugly at her because she had to go into the rain and I did not .
19 You had to go into politics if you wanted to change the world .
20 When you saw that happening you realised you had to go into other things .
21 The furniture you got was just little bits and pieces you could get hold of , and you had to go into debt for it .
22 Moreover , you 're now at that age when you have to Go Into Hospital in a way which was unthinkable ten years back .
23 Having said that , I 've been on some of the deliveries that you guys have to do , and some of the places where you have to go into , and er I fully appreciate it 's not easy .
24 Do n't we pay you enough that you have to go into the courier business ? ’
25 and I , they do a bit and then another one , you have to go into another textbook
26 I think they do have to go in , you have to go into each area
27 In the later afternoon , Andrew Gregg , deputy co-ordinator of ‘ UUUC Advice and Relief Centres ’ , and I returned to Central Strike Headquarters and collected a portable typewriter and some other items of equipment useful for continuing the strike should we have to go into hiding .
28 except for odd occasions in the winter when we had to go into the gym and dance with the birds ! ’
29 In the senior school we had to go into school Saturday morning anyway !
30 We have to go into liquidation because these people broke the agreement and illegally occupied the houses . ’
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