Example sentences of "[noun prp] [is] known [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Like Alum Pot and Gaping Gill , Malham is known to generations of " O " level , " A " level and C 5 E geography students as a superb example of limestone scenery .
2 The birthday of the Prophet Mohammad is known as Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi and is a public holiday .
3 The Chesapeake is known as the ‘ queen of the nation 's estuaries ’ .
4 The BeSHT — ben Eliezer is known by that acronym — produced a shock-wave of such proportions in Judaism that it has still not recovered from him .
5 I 'll even be doing the high kicks Frankie is known throughout the entertainment business as an energetic performer using dance routines and high kicks .
6 In addition , its future is uncertain , as the original funding from the GLC is known to be running short .
7 The ratio of OF to OA is known as the eccentricity .
8 Such a survival is very important , for while we may be largely ignorant of the details of land travel , the role of ships in transporting men and goods across the waters to England is known to be great .
9 In 948 an attempt by Venice to conquer Ragusa was repulsed , according to legend , with the miraculous help of St Blaise ( San Biagio ; Sveti Vlaho ) , who in England is known as the patron saint of woolcombers .
10 The process of purchasing bills by the Bank of England is known as rediscounting .
11 Furthermore , ICC chairman Sir Colin Cowdrey is known to be in favour of the World Cup returning to England , where it was first staged in 1975 , 1979 and 1983 , on a rotational basis .
12 However , ICC chairman Sir Colin Cowdrey is known to be in favour of the competition returning to England , where it was first staged in 1975 , 1979 and 1983 .
13 South Korea is known for its ship building .
14 No portrait of Bennet is known for certain to be extant .
15 Yes Moderator Mr is known to the Board and his support was greatly appreciated erm when these projects were being mooted .
16 New Scotia is known as Canada 's Ocean Playground .
17 Kyffin Williams is known for his strongly held views on the current state of much art .
18 Williams is known above all for his North Wales landscapes , but he has painted in France , Greece , Holland , Austria , Scotland and Ireland .
19 Most of the land is low and flat — that 's why Luxembourg is known as a Low Country , along with the other two Benelux countries .
20 To this day part of the woods above Halling is known as Dalison 's , and I believe is still owned by Dalisons .
21 Even today the district between Udbina and Titova Korenica is known as Krbava ( krv = blood ) and the valley between Udbina and Bunic , where the battle occurred , is called Krbavsko Polje , the Field of Blood .
22 China is known to be worried about who to send to plead its cause at the final presentations in Monte Carlo on September 23rd .
23 Di is known to be bored by the riding-shooting-fishing routine which the Royals love on their Scottish holiday .
24 Adam is known to be broadly correct in stating that Harald exercised some kind of power in Norway , but obviously errs in having Hiring rule all England .
25 Marius Leitdorf is known as the Mad Lord of Averland .
26 The area is still very floatplane oriented , indeed Red Lake is known as the Norseman Capital of the World .
27 For example , the regional distribution of residential and foster care services in the United Kingdom is known to be uneven with some local authorities using EBD schools and residential care far more frequently than others ( Fuller and Stevenson , 1983 ) .
28 Hill-Smith is South Australia is known above all for its white wines .
29 ( This procedure is reminiscent of the Christian and especially Catholic usage in which the Virgin Mary is known as the ‘ Mother of Jesus ’ . )
30 God is known through our knowledge of the world .
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