Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] told [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I believe the Lady Amelia has told you everything we know . ’
2 Dean has told him he would do all his running and Dalian decided here was the guy he had waited for throughout his career , ’ said the Villa manager .
3 ‘ I do n't know if Alexandra has told you , but we 've been hoping very much to feature your next collection in our spring bumper issue , ’ Felicity said .
4 Pahdra Singh has told me that although Proby 's cousin did manage to register the stand as a car , he did so describing it as a 1964 Skoda with 300,000 miles on the clock .
5 ‘ Oh , my brother Stair — I am sure that Matey has told you about Stair — invited me out tonight to the stag party of one of his friends ; I used to know him slightly .
6 ‘ Mr Didier has told you , I am sure , that atropine 's been found in one of the dishes of entrée . ’
7 Rex has told me all about the Tyrrell Society and their activities a dozen times if he 's told me once .
8 Cadfael has told me , ’ said Hugh , ‘ how the sortes went , and of Brother Jerome 's confession .
9 What should Dana have told her ?
10 Rex Cunningham had told her that he had seen Clare in possession of a photograph of me which had convinced him we were intimate friends .
11 A boy next door called Rupert Entwistle had told her that if you chopped off a newt 's tail , the tail stayed alive and grew into another newt ten times bigger than the first one .
12 After what Jeff had told her about Guido Falcone , the only feelings she ought to have for him were disapproval and dislike .
13 Suddenly , she was remembering what Jeff had told her .
14 She felt a sudden flash of doubt , remembering the things Jeff had told her , and thought again what had occurred to her over that fateful cup of coffee .
15 Ronni looked at Guido now from beneath her lashes , taking in the strong , mahogany-dark profile and remembering the story that Jeff had told her .
16 That was precisely the story Jeff had told her .
17 During that half-hour coffee break Jeff had told her all about Silvia and about how Guido was trying to break up the romance .
18 Jeff had told her Silvia was nineteen , only four years younger than herself .
19 Of all the most damned of coincidences ! she 'd thought , when Ari had told her what had happened in the canteen that first day at the Park .
20 She thought about what Tammuz had told her , his ravings .
21 Tammuz had told her to relax into the fire , swim with it , let go .
22 Sally-Anne reached the gates and walked up to the rectory , an eighteenth-century building which had once been beautiful , but like the area around it had gone to seed badly , although Dr Neil had told her that it was elegant , if shabby inside .
23 When Matey had returned on that fateful afternoon , Dr Neil had told her that he had proposed to McAllister , and that she had accepted him .
24 Neil had told me to try and forget about the ‘ mystery ’ , and this proved surprisingly easy to do .
25 From what Neil had told me over supper last night , I knew that the main bird colonies were on the western side of the island , where the cliffy coastline was cut into deep gullies , some of them sheer , and some filled with tumbles of massed boulders .
26 Neil had told me that he might spend the daytime hours between tides over here on Seal Island .
27 From here I found , as I had hoped , that I could see down to the shore at the point where Neil had told me he wanted to work .
28 Something Neil had told me about the island .
29 I had forgotten the other thing that Neil had told me .
30 Matey had told her that Rose had not returned home until the small hours , and the housekeeper there , Mrs Parker , a middle-aged widow , had almost turned her away , but had relented , although Rose had lost her next three half-days off as a punishment .
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