Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] herself on " in BNC.

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1 Sergeant Henley prided herself on her power to prise out information by a mixture of persuasion and light bullying like the icing on a cake , and although this had never worked particularly well with Roxie in the past , this was no reason not to try it now .
2 As her name indicates , Serena prides herself on being under control .
3 As soon as the meal was over Didi excused herself on the grounds of a headache , leaving behind her an uneasy silence .
4 Determined to write herself out of her poverty , Buchi Emecheta launched herself on the book world with an autobiographical account of life in London for a young Nigerian single parent .
5 Connie parked herself on a white divan and poured out some black steaming liquid .
6 Ruth found herself on her knees , sand rasping between her fingers .
7 Indeed he seemed to have to keep rushing off to have a word with this person and that ; Helen found herself on her own a good deal of the time , glimpsing him across the room in spirited conversation .
8 Later , Taheb raised herself on one elbow and let her hand slide along his thigh .
9 Anna prided herself on setting a good table ; now , in wartime London , she put her mind to it : great lasagne pies , Virginia ham , as well as all the best fish , game and vegetables her friends in the country sent her .
10 Rose raised herself on one elbow and addressed the darkness in a fierce whisper .
11 Liz prided herself on her tolerance of Ivan 's appalling behaviour .
12 Ellen Harker seated herself on one of the crates thoughtfully provided by Mother Bombie , drew a gentle breath and began :
13 However , while searching the many rooms for signs of the species Homo Sapiens , Daisy caught herself on a mystic spinning wheel and fell into a sleep so deep it would surely last for a hundred years ( zzzzzzzz ! — Ed ) .
14 They co-ordinated diaries and Jay congratulated herself on refusing to smile .
15 Sara dumped herself on the sofa .
16 Mrs Thatcher prides herself on her reputation as an ‘ Iron Lady ’ .
17 Mrs Thatcher prides herself on her strong and determined leadership , but this frequently means overruling colleagues and ignoring advice .
18 Rushing up to her room , Constance flung herself on the bed and tried to cry .
19 Leila threw herself on Quincx , gabbling about what happened .
20 Alina perched herself on the far end of the three-seater .
21 Sally arranged herself on his other side and they walked him away , throwing questions at him .
22 The sisters stared at each other for a split second and then Jenny flung herself on Sara , crying incoherently .
23 With a wail Jenny threw herself on the bed and buried her face in her pillow .
24 Mother Bombie settled herself on a crate in the corner and assumed an air of pious resignation .
25 Laura seated herself on the bed and Rex gave her a good sniff .
26 As the plane from London bounced along the runway at Ciampino airport , Nora congratulated herself on not having been sick , even during the bumpy moments as they flew over the Alps .
27 From the window , Buzz could see Clare sunning herself on the terrace below .
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