Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] the bad " in BNC.

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1 McNaught-Mandli has the worst possible start number for the first leg of the cup , which is against the clock from the start , for she is drawn to go first of 46 competitors from 13 countries .
2 Middlesbrough has the worst accident statistics of Cleveland 's four boroughs .
3 In the south midlands , Northamptonshire has the worst problem .
4 Manager Edward Stein fears the worst after Barnet 's company secretary Stanley Beller warned him the club would be put into liquidation inside 24 hours unless ‘ things are sorted out . ’
5 In May 1990 South Korea experienced the worst popular unrest since Roh had become President as many thousands of students participated in street protests throughout the country .
6 Scotland loves the bad boys , England prefers the creeps .
7 Luch fished the worst of the earth from the soup bowl and offered it to Marion , who did n't notice .
8 LEE SHARPE feared the worst when hospital tests showed the young United star had meningitis .
9 The Royal Bank of Scotland had the worst score of any Scottish company with a negative rating of -218 .
10 Several of the teachers shuddered at the mention of this and Endill expected the worst as Mould was led away talking gibberish .
11 Labour 's stronghold of Strathclyde has the worst schools in Scotland .
12 Sunday morning at Dunvegan brought the worst weather so far — and the most valuable insight yet into Johnson 's influence on Boswell 's writing .
13 However the good financial years had ended , and it fell to Franklin to break the bad news that Blackpool 's trams and buses would actually make a loss in 1954–5 .
14 But chief executive David Roebuck reckons the worst has already happened in South Yorkshire .
15 Distillery boss Billy Hamilton fears the worst after Heath was assisted off in the second-half with a torn calf muscle .
16 When , as here , figures are standardized between different countries , the UK exhibited the worst overall unemployment rates in 1982 , but France and Italy were latterly suffering worse unemployment .
17 The 1989 methane gas explosion in western Kentucky remains the worst coal mining disaster in the United States since 1984. — AP
18 After only 4000 reactor years worldwide , Chernobyl approached the worst conceivable nuclear reactor accident , which was previously estimated to be of a probability somewhere near 1 in 10,000 or even I in a million per reactor year .
19 ANGUISH : Gerry and Suzanne feared the worst
20 It seems wrong , therefore , to suggest , as some critics do , that the Lake District avoided the worst distresses .
21 Britain has the worst public provision for under-five year olds in the EC .
22 Despite all the hurrahs about Europe from marquandistas in London , the plain economic fact is that Europe has the worst unemployment record in the industrial world , and the construction of Europe with an enduring 10 per cent out of work leaves a permanent 10 per cent unlikely to vote at all , or , if they do vote , to vote racist .
23 Why does Britain have the worst maternity rights , the fewest equal opportunities and the least protection against poverty pay ?
24 After drinks and introductions and a few minutes of jangled smalltalk , as if the three of us were gods or apes or spacemen , Fielding did the bad thing .
25 Dorigo did the baddest tackle and got away with it only to be booked later .
26 Britain had the worst record , with only 79 per cent of beaches meeting standards .
27 Unfortunately , Jacques had the worst possible start to his new appointment .
28 It was now that Sean realised the bad decision that he had made .
29 Belgium has the worst record in the freshwater categories , with only 60 per cent of lakes and rivers meeting standards .
30 Leeds and Chelsea had the worst record in
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