Example sentences of "[noun prp] [verb] [art] history " in BNC.

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1 To mark its centenary , Tony Greenbank describes the history of one of Lakeland 's most famous climbs
2 Walker retells the history of the world from the black perspective with a series of symbolic vignettes .
3 Present in the second book as the occupant of an Iranian hotel room sifting through his papers , photographs and cassettes , Kapuscinski recites the history of the region , which has thrust the Shah of Shahs into the sand in the posture of the statue of the ‘ King of Kings ’ in Shelley 's tyrannophobe poem .
4 Mr Bourne had a history of anxiety and agitation and a psychiatric report stated he found the world too difficult to cope with .
5 Marius had a history of heart trouble — you say he 'd had a minor attack before you went to France in the summer .
6 As so often , the Franco regime was using a date of significance only to itself to suggest that Spain had no history outside that which was officially approved .
7 It was absurd for her to be going on such an expedition She and Matthew sat at the back of the bus , and while they were bowling along into the country , with a beautiful view of the landscape , Matthew explained the history of the school forest .
8 To this extent , Marxism 's universalizing narrative of the unfolding of a rational system of world history is simply a negative form of the history of European imperialism : it was Hegel , after all , who declared that ‘ Africa has no history ’ , and it was Marx who , though critical of British imperialism , concluded that the British colonization of India was ultimately for the best because it brought India into the evolutionary narrative of Western history , thus creating the conditions for future class struggle there .
9 The harbour town of Watchet has a history going back over a thousand years and is still an active trading port .
10 On the coast the maritime museums of Buckie and Lossiemouth record the history of the Moray fishing industry .
11 The American embassy in Seoul reviewed the history of guerrilla activity over the past few years in April 1950 .
12 Wolfe and his opponent Montcalm were mortally wounded in the small-scale encounter of a few thousand men which affected the history of North America as decisively as Plassey affected the history of India .
13 The Egyptian Manetho , the Babylonian Berossus and the Roman Fabius Pictor wrote the histories of their respective countries in a suitable version for the benefit of the Greeks .
14 Matrix Churchill 's managing director Paul Henderson had a history of supplying machine tools behind the Iron Curtain and passing information back to Britain via MI6 .
15 El Salvador has no history of an organized feminist movement .
16 Fortunately , all the Trace management staff are staying on , and Kaman have a history of encouraging its subsidiary companies to retain their own product identities , so we at Guitarist sincerely hope that one of Britain 's brighter amp companies will be allowed the freedom to continue with the experimental stuff .
17 In discussion , Anne-Marie Duguet outlined a history of the experimental imperative .
18 Mary has recently finished a huge work for the Imperial War Museum ( IWM ) at Duxford charting the history of the airfield with the badges of all units — other than those transiting — RAF and USAAF — faithfully produced .
19 Belgium has a history of unstable governments .
20 FOOTNOTES The Farm 's Peter Hooton charts the history of the training shoe Jeff Koons and Cicciolina/Harry Enfield/The Shamen/Danny Rampling
21 Nineteenth-century philosophers were anxious to produce systems of classification of the sciences , and at the end of the century Robert Flint of Edinburgh wrote a History of Classifications of the Sciences ( Edinburgh , 1904 ) which summarized them all .
22 Møn had a history !
23 Indeed , as chief executive Corrado Passera pointed out , Olivetti has a history of investment in the personal communications sector .
24 When Edward Thomas entered the History Eighth at St. Paul 's in January 1894 , he was at least seventeen months younger than the seven pupils who had joined the class in the previous July or September and who were to leave it the following June .
25 In the evenings everyone was drawn to the blazing log fire in the entrance hall , where Sister Margaret recounted the history of Don Basco and the Salesians , and of the house at Brettargh Holt .
26 As said , ‘ The history of science is science itself ’ and , appropriately , Fox uses the history of the study of heat in eighteenth and nineteenth century France to demonstrate the changing aspirations and preoccupations of the participating scientists .
27 In a readable if somewhat diffuse and meandering style , Kingdon explores the history of our species .
28 In his brilliantly perceptive book , ‘ Beyond a Boundary ’ , James traces the history of the modern game back to its inception during the lifetime of Hazlitt ( 1778–1830 ) .
29 Instead , Professor Hartshorne settled in Vienna to research the history of modern Geography , mainly but not exclusively in the German-speaking lands .
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