Example sentences of "[adv] about [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the end , curriculum breadth and balance are less about time allocation than the diversity and challenge of what the child encounters .
2 Ground with less than about 50% cover is called fellfield ; below about 20% fellfield becomes polar desert .
3 Cypress ' Sparc ‘ sunsidiary ’ Ross Technology shipped only about $3.9m worth of product last quarter and its continued existence should Sun not opt for the HyperSparc is in doubt .
4 I think they 'd always sort of wanted to go and explore , yes , and it seemed the ideal time , the boys were just about school age , erm , sort of you could well .
5 It 's about six feet in height and just about shoulder width , er it 's coloured black and it has a bullet proof glass window of about six inches by four inches which enables the er officer behind the shield to manoeuvre it in the correct position .
6 It was not just about hippy society , it was about society at large .
7 about erm just about midway point at this
8 The British 2nd Corps encountered the enemy on 10 October west of La Bassee , but , in face of heavy fighting , the German thrust petered out 10 days later with the British still about 1.6km/1ml west of the town .
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