Example sentences of "[adv] minister [prep] state " in BNC.

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1 On April 22 K. K. Tewari , hitherto Minister of State for External Affairs , was appointed Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting .
2 Lord Sanderson of Bowden , hitherto Minister of State at the Scottish Office , took over as party chair in Scotland on a full-time basis on Sept. 27 .
3 Shortly afterwards the President announced a reshuffle of DLP posts which included the appointment of Kim Yoon Whan , hitherto Minister of State for Political Affairs , as floor leader of the party within the National Assembly .
4 Bozer , hitherto Minister of State ( and effectively deputy Prime Minister ) , had been appointed Foreign Minister only in February 1990 .
5 In a Cabinet reshuffle announced by President Joseph Momoh on Nov. 28 , 1989 , Tommy Taylor-Morgan , hitherto Minister of State , Trade ( a non-Cabinet post ) , was appointed Finance Minister in place of Hassan Gbassay Kanu .
6 Desmond Fostin , Minister of Communications , Works and Transport , resigned and was replaced by Gregory Avril , hitherto Minister of State in the Ministry of Agriculture , on Feb. 9 , 1990 , after allegations of corruption within the Ministry .
7 Another non-elected member of the Cabinet , Carl Clarke , was hitherto Minister of State for Finance and Foreign Affairs .
8 The veteran diplomat Boutros Boutros-Ghali , hitherto Minister of State for Foreign Affairs , was promoted to Deputy Prime Minister with the additional portfolios of Foreign Liaison and Minister of State for Emigration and Expatriate Egyptian Affairs .
9 In early October Desmond Leaky , hitherto Minister of State for Agriculture , was appointed to succeed Phillips as Minister without Portfolio in the Prime Minister 's office .
10 President Joao Bernardo Vieira on Dec. 27 appointed Carlos Correia , hitherto Minister of State for Rural Development and Agriculture , to the revived post of Prime Minister ; it had been abolished in 1984 following allegations of a government coup attempt [ see pp. 32899-900 ] .
11 Prime Minister James Mitchell carried out a Cabinet reshuffle in late January , transferring responsibility for foreign affairs from himself to Herbert Young , hitherto Minister for Trade and Tourism , whose Trade portfolio was passed to Jonathan Peters , hitherto Minister of State for Trade and Tourism , who took responsibility for the new Ministry of Trade and Consumer Affairs ; Mitchell also created a new portfolio of Grenadines Affairs , with Stephanie Brown as Junior Minister .
12 Bérégovoy , hitherto Minister of State for Economy , Finance and Budget , replaced Edith Cresson , whom Mitterrand had appointed 10
13 Khudayyir 's position as Foreign Affairs Minister was assumed by Muhammad Said Kazim al-Sahhaf , hitherto Minister of State for Foreign Affairs .
14 Reports said that the appointment of al-Hithi , formerly Minister of State for Oil and a senior official at the Ministry of Industry and Military Industrialization ( MIMI ) , suggested the continued domination of the oil sector by MIMI [ see p. 38165 ] .
15 The ministerial portfolio of Mines an Energy , held by Aimé Emmanyel Yoka , was upgraded to a Ministry in the Presidency , and Yoka ( hitherto also Minister of State Control ) additionally took over from Auxence Ickonga as Minister in the Presidency for State Control .
16 In Hansard ( 17 December 1991 , vol 201 , No 25 , col 119 ) Gillian Shephard ( then Minister of State at the Treasury ) stated that Customs ' long-standing policy is that ‘ rent-free periods are outside the scope of VAT unless services are performed by the tenant for the landlord ’ .
17 As early as 4 April 1990 there was the following exchange between him and Francis Maude , then Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office :
18 At the end of August talks were held between the Chief Minister P. K. Mahanta , the All Bodo Students Union ( ABSU ) and the central government observer and then Minister of State for Welfare , Rajendra Kumari Bajpai .
19 Kenneth Clarke will become Education Secretary and William Waldegrade , currently Minister of State at the Foreign Office , will get the job of Health Secretary .
20 Kenneth Clarke is to become Education Secretary , and William Waldegrade , currently Minister of State at the Foreign Office , will get the job of Health Secretary .
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