Example sentences of "[adv] go a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I imagine you 've noticed that our dear prime Minister does n't exactly go a bundle on us , on any of us ? ’
2 I tell you what , would you like to just go an sit behind on that chair over there and you 'll be more comfortable .
3 I 'll just go an lock me door then .
4 No , as anyone , do you reckon anyone would ever go a home run ?
5 ‘ Because my mother works in a hotel shop where they do n't really go a bundle on employing married women in the first place , so I do n't want to get her all into a fluster for nothing .
6 I 'd even go a step further than the physical necessities of being able to see and hear properly and say that the audience must be in the right mood , too , to receive the message .
7 In an alliance that could well go a lot further , Data General Corp has signed with NeXT Computer Inc to resell NeXT workstations with its AViiON servers , and the two companies will collaborate in development of client-server systems .
8 and then we use this method to then go a stage further to prepare for the second presentation .
9 ‘ I could certainly go a mug of hot tea , ’ I thought , as I examined my lumps and bumps caused by the ever-persistent mosquitoes .
10 Now adjust preset VR1 either way to check that you get a range of 5V to 15V ; you may find you can actually go a bit beyond these limits but this is not of importance .
11 I 'd actually go a bit further and say yes we 'd like to do this , can we also look after road maintenance as well , because the road maintenance is sent out to contractors , contractors are so busy , they ca n't actually do half this work , they 've got a list as long as your arm , so pit pitfalls in in the pavements as well as as some of the motorways are n't being done because the contract 's been placed , but they 've placed it with the wrong people .
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