Example sentences of "[adv] far [subord] they " in BNC.

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31 Now , so far as they knew , both children were dead .
32 Certainly there was the occasional spectacular apostasy from civilized values , as in the case of Jack Driberg , a Kenya Masai official who went native and then proceeded to a distinguished career as a lecturer in anthropology at Cambridge ; but on the whole the records , in so far as they can be relied on in such matters do not support this view .
33 Particular religions are true in so far as they succeed in expressing the primordial form of religion which in turn is comprehended only in the depths of particular religions .
34 The diets are similar in so far as they both exclude a great deal of fat , thereby maximising the reduction of fat from our body .
35 Hailing each other , they found that they had come to the same conclusion : that so far as they could tell , in the gloom and confusion , the night was theirs , the camp completely broken up , the enemy scattered and leaderless and unlikely to rally now .
36 It seemed that so far as they were concerned Meehan , guilty or innocent , could stay in Peterhead for ever .
37 Although video recordings may have a strong appeal , in so far as they appear to capture a more complete picture of any speech episode , they have major disadvantages in that they are highly obtrusive , they usually need to be manned and they are relatively cumbersome if the child has to be followed around .
38 He was far less concerned with the ‘ facts ’ , with the accuracy or applicability of substantive knowledge — these things were important in so far as they indicated the perspective which lay behind them .
39 This means that the activities of material science ( conductivity physics or dialectical materialism ) are social actions and are manifested by social relations in so far as they produce knowledge .
40 The original people are ancestors of the Chewong in so far as they represent the mythical past , but not in the sense that they are transformed dead of today .
41 On the left , the attitude of Moscow and the Third International , in so far as they had any influence at all in Spain before the war , was to encourage Popular Front democracy and discourage revolution .
42 From inside that belief system the responses that are made to overload and pressure will seem , in so far as they are considered consciously , to be sensible , vital or even inevitable .
43 Black sportsmen are not exceptional in so far as they too undergo the turbulence of having to refashion their ideas about career and , indeed , life prospects at around this age .
44 Abolitionists did not expect immediate conversion by slaveholders ; it was not necessary in so far as they were sure planters could not for long resist the economic imperatives .
45 The Evangelical party will perhaps continue to exalt their hero as partially as parties always do — but the members of it will act thus only so far as they are possessed by party spirit , rather than by the pure spirit of the doctrines which they hold in common with their so-called Catholic opponents , whom adversaries style popish .
46 They adamantly believed that ‘ at that time it was not done to ‘ ’ poach' ’ settled executives in any direct or overt way' ; but they may be seen as the precursors of headhunting in Britain , in so far as they acted as consultants in executive selection and advertising , within a general management consultancy practice .
47 The smaller nations get short shrift on somewhat different grounds : in so far as they are affected by general trends , their history recapitulates that of the major states .
48 Schegloff has made studies of the rules of conversation in so far as they govern who speaks when , and how we know when it is our turn to speak .
49 Nevertheless , since evolution is a conservative process our brains are likely to contain some components in common with other mammals in so far as they contain features that were characteristic of the common ancestor .
50 For example , in 1967 the Monopolies Commission investigated the general effect on the public interest of certain restrictive practices so far as they prevailed in relation to the supply of professional services .
51 Most are concentrated on Medway wing , but not all , and there is no sense of a special regime so far as they are concerned .
52 In their view this had hopelessly inhibited the quest for the causes of crime in the case of classical criminology , and diverted attention away from social defence in the case of the neoclassicists ( since the latter were only interested in ‘ determinants ’ of crime in so far as they reduced the offender 's responsibility ) .
53 So far as they were concerned traders and sailors who had been blown off course were pirates ; and in the range of activity between purely peaceful traders and pirates who were ready to attack ships of any nation there were some traders who were prepared to use force to make Spanish ports deal with them , and others who were willing to appear to use force in order to provide Spanish settlements with an excuse for trading .
54 The roots of disillusionment — in so far as they were the fruit of twelfth-century conditions and not merely the natural response to too high or too vaguely expressed expectations — lay in the intellectuals ' belief , stated by John of Salisbury .
55 With pragmatism truth and usefulness become fused : ‘ ideas … become true just in so far as they help us to get into satisfactory relations with other parts of our experience . ’
56 Besides , even those who argue that the answer to women 's dependency/op-pression in the home is for them to take outside jobs ( as if the sort of jobs open to most women were in any way more congenial and less exploitative than housework , except in so far as they are paid ) and put their children into publicly funded day-care centres , must surely allow that some women ( as well as men , of course ) would choose freely to look after children , otherwise how are the centres to be staffed ?
57 As has already been mentioned , insider traders also face the possibility of conviction under the US mail and wire fraud statutes in so far as they participate in a ‘ scheme … to defraud ’ ( ie breach of s.10b and Rule 10b-5 ) where use has been made of the postal system or telephonic communication .
58 But this does not mean that it is fitted only to be used on matters at the extreme end of the spectrum of abstraction — that it can , for instance , discuss people only in so far as they are rational beings , or sets of behaviour-patterns , or immortal souls .
59 The primal father of the horde is masterful , self-confident , independent and absolutely narcissistic ; other people are loved only in so far as they serve his needs .
60 In so far as they do , they are troubled : they try to find a way for women to be represented in a religion where the Godhead is conceived in male terms , and a way indeed to be able to associate themselves with a male God or Christ .
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