Example sentences of "[adv] far [subord] we " in BNC.

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1 I am very reluctant to go so far when we — or rather you — could be so near a better resolution .
2 They make good the severe limitations on the hesitation system , which can take us only so far when we are faced with a problem of word retrieval .
3 For anyone for whom literary education — like any other — is an exploration of the meanings we have and live by , so far as we do live by meanings , Virgil and Dante are connecting rooms …
4 And it is true that whereas on the whole Pound managed his amorous career with more decorum than Shelley , still the pattern was , so far as we can discern , not very different .
5 With Paula Grey , so far as we know .
6 In so far as we deal with cyclical fluctuations here , they will be those which were characteristic of an unregulated capitalist economy typical of the nineteenth century .
7 In so far as we consider Bukharin 's theory of equilibrium in relation to his ideas on the theory of capitalist economic crisis we can see that contradiction is a key element in explaining it .
8 So far as we can tell , the men-folk ruled in every sphere ; but it may be that the further one got from the world of high feudalism the less of a slave the woman became ; it is certainly true , in a rather different way , that the Norman Conquest brought both a more complete feudalism and a fall in the status of women .
9 But the common story , so far as we can tell , was of a prospering contado helping a few of the citizens to be successful merchants , carrying local market goods and some from longer distances ; and if Francis ' father had not been a successful merchant trading into France , the saint would not have borne the name he did , nor suffered the intense reaction to his father 's worldly values which helped to inspire him on the path to poverty and heaven .
10 So far as we know he was never a merchant , and he never went on crusade , but had he been he would have experienced all the five ways in which travel fundamentally impinged on the folk of the twelfth century ; and if we consider the impact made by the wandering scholars and the growing universities , the flow of litigants and diplomats to and from the papal Curia , the countless pilgrims and pilgrimages , the crusades at their most popular , and the commercial revolution upon the world of the central Middle Ages — then a love of travel and a readiness to travel must be accounted one of the major catalysts of change .
11 The English fyrd was used in the Danish wars , but only later , so far as we can tell , as a local militia in emergencies .
12 It is interesting to note that there have , so far as we know , only been thirty-one phyla in all of pre-history ; nine have become totally extinct .
13 Just in so far as we cause the Government to persecute those who believe in peace , so we may be doing the greatest service … to stimulate the national consciousness in [ the ] direction [ of peace ] . ’
14 However , so far as we are concerned the important constituent of the atmosphere is oxygen : without it we would never have come into existence .
15 He was not , so far as we can tell , putting forward the idea as a serious theory : his purpose was to tell a good story .
16 So far as we are concerned , this barely matters : although it is likely that ‘ mini black holes ’ , about the size of a subatomic particle , were created by the enormous forces involved in the Big Bang , it is only about now , perhaps 15 billion years later , that these should be beginning to disintegrate .
17 So far as we 're concerned we started an event for music that was an alternative — I did n't want to listen to Vera Lynn .
18 This is the grim side to his thought : the circumstances of her ‘ taking ’ the veil were , so far as we can see , irrelevant .
19 So far as we know they had met only in 1079 , when Eadmer was one of the young monks to whom Anselm talked during his first visit to Canterbury .
20 The most important of Schleiermacher 's many writings , so far as we are concerned here , are his Addresses on Religion , to its Cultured Despisers ( 1799 ) and The Christian Faith ( 1821/2 ; a second and considerably altered edition appeared in 1830/1 ) .
21 All of this has been enacted and realised and completed in Jesus himself , and the meaning of sin , so far as we are concerned , is only really opened up at the very place where it is borne and done away with .
22 The temple at Knossos was , so far as we know , the most ambitious building the Minoans attempted .
23 Even so , the starting-point , so far as we can find one , was polytheistic .
24 At the end of the last war he found himself some French creature and went to live with her , and so far as we know , he 's still in France . ’
25 We also judge work performance by the quality of the product ( in so far as we can assess this ) and by the work style of the performer .
26 In so far as we have evidence about regional comparisons , it points to continuities rather than differences .
27 Seeing value in activities only in so far as we can conceive them retaining it when cut off from the main tides of human affairs , leads to a kind of preciosity and detachment from what excites most human beings which is ultimately impoverishing .
28 Now so far as we are in a position to judge , the information was reliable .
29 So far as we know , Ptolemy spent his whole life in Alexandria , which is well north of the Earth 's equator , so that he could not see the stars of the far south .
30 Personal honour will affect us in so far as we can believe in the man or woman who defends or loses it .
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