Example sentences of "[adv] far [subord] i " in BNC.

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1 However — ’ he shrugged ‘ — my vet in Westmead ca n't be expected to come out so far so I 've obviously got to find one for this shop . ’
2 So far as I can see it 's practically certain Mr Merrivale was in there with her early on in the night , ’ said Ethel .
3 The dog is long since gone , though not , so far as I know , as a result of its encounter with the toad .
4 These occasions , so far as I could tell , brought neither of us any pleasure .
5 I wonder if you are using ( in lectures ) a statement I remember you making in talk , but not so far as I can recall , in print .
6 In postwar Britain , the clothes , accents , and diction of the siblings may have changed , but , so far as I can judge , the suffocating insular coziness is just the same .
7 So far as I can see , he only thinks about snooker , his girlfriend and pop music .
8 So far as I know , one cause of a general fall in the value of money is not open to dispute , either as theoretically possible or as practically instanced within our own experience : that is the monetisation of debt , in other words , the process whereby part of the expenditure of public authorities is financed by the creation of additional spending power .
9 So far as I know , no one has denied that inflation can be , and in fact often within our experience is , caused by the Government financing part of its expenditure by the creation of additional spending power which it then exerts .
10 In other words , so far as I am concerned , unless and until we are prepared to deal with this demonstrated cause of inflation and want to do so , we are wasting our time ; and as soon as we want to do so , there is no reason to suppose that there will be any problem or therefore any reason for an incomes policy as defined .
11 I realise that no series chosen to test this proposition can be free from some criticism or objection ; but this fact is less serious when no such series has , so far as I know , been constructed which fulfils the condition of a uniquely unfavourable pattern for murder .
12 I am opposed to judicial corporal punishment , always have been and , so far as I can see , always shall be .
13 In so far as I understand the logic here , heterosexual sodomy is surrogate homosexuality and homosexual sodomy is surrogate heterosexuality — or rather surrogate heterosexual incestuous genital intercourse .
14 Self-cleaning oven so far as I knew .
15 The Canadian has an operating crew of five ( excluding the dozen or so service staff ) and no one is entirely clear what they all do : fill out forms mostly , so far as I could see .
16 Both claims , so far as I know , are true .
17 ‘ The only way to change Ray MacSharry 's mind , so far as I can see , is before he makes it up .
18 It was of course simple mischance that this rat-tat should happen , even though the kiosk is not so far as I know a particularly busy one .
19 The pancake , so far as I could tell , was a mixture of potato , cabbage , onion and seasonings .
20 So far as I could judge , it was the smoothest-running diesel of its type on the market at the time , and the quickest , ’ he says .
21 So far as I am aware , no writer on Ultra has noted the comparison between the Coventry affair and an episode in the First World War when secret intelligence was apparently neglected in order to protect the source .
22 Of course , helicopters can hover , while , so far as I can see , light planes can rarely drop to less than 90 miles per hour , so when there is a choice , it is best to shoot from helicopters .
23 M. Dupont , so far as I could observe , was not contributing to the discussions , and it was hard to tell from his sullen demeanour if he was attending carefully to what was being said or else deeply engrossed in other thoughts .
24 Mr Lewis , so far as I could ascertain , had already retired .
25 I will tell you plainly that so far as I am concerned that objective is the promotion of books … . ’
26 So far as I know there is no definition of what constitutes a Cabinet Committee and , as the practice has grown , I believe there may be among the 70-odd Committees in the book some with less title to be treated as Cabinet Committees than some of the 700-odd interdepartmental committees of which we have no detailed information at all .
27 So far as I knew I had attended to every trifling detail , yet every plan , every hope , seemed to be going wrong .
28 So far as I knew there was no Indian name for Moose Jaw , but I had a brain-wave that might help .
29 So far as I was aware , my functions had been reasonably normal .
30 So far as I remember , I had no conversation about me .
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