Example sentences of "[adv] so far [conj] " in BNC.

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31 The LTE objected to the direction on the ground that it failed to have regard to the LTE 's financial duty under section 7(3) to break even so far as is practicable .
32 There is nothing constitutionally mandatory about any such particular structure but , both in existing legislation and particularly so far as internal civil service organisation is concerned , such a structure is assumed and there are heavy administrative costs involved in change .
33 Even if there is nothing legally obligatory about a particular scheme of vertical or horizontal devolution , there is , nevertheless , a measure of political compulsion , particularly so far as horizontal devolution is concerned .
34 To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what proposals he has to improve marine safety , particularly so far as fishing boat losses are concerned .
35 Finally , some insects are also capable of backward flight by shifting the plane of vibration , sometimes so far that the wings actually move upwards on the " downbeat " ( Fig. 38 ) .
36 Then if you want blue to go the other side of the hoop and black to go here say , to the black wo n't go quite so far and the blue will .
37 If he did not go quite so far as Eric Linklater in believing that what Mary was doing down at Kirk o' Field during the last days of Darnley 's life in February 1567 was indulging a ‘ womanly zeal for nursing ’ , he certainly had no doubt of her innocence .
38 Perhaps few of the inhabitants went quite so far as the parents of Fly-Fornication Richardson of Waldron or Small-hope Biggs of Rye in their statements of religious principle , but a dominant number of the eastern rural and urban elite found their religious and political sympathies increasingly divorced from the fumbling attempts of the Stuarts to impose their image of the monarchy .
39 The Flower of Chivalry did not go quite so far as that .
40 Again Balfour 's account is in substantial agreement , although he adds the gloss that when , at one stage in his summing up he referred to his assumption that Asquith would not serve under either Law or Lloyd George , Asquith intervened to say that he had not gone quite so far as that ; he must consult his friends before giving a final answer .
41 ‘ We have played well there so far and were a bit unlucky not to beat Norway and Holland . ’
42 Because Burma is not a rich country the potential for racketeering is limited , and shrugged off , For those Burmese who want one foot in the material world , at least so far as the occasional bottle of Scotch is concerned , the black market exists .
43 The Secretary of State has in mind using the Records of Achievement as the repository of pupil achievements in the tests and assessments at age 7 , 11 , 14 and 16 — at least so far as the sole mandatory requirements are concerned .
44 He replied that on the facts as stated it did not appear , at least so far as the testator 's words were concerned , that it was entrusted to Pamphilus that he should make over a hundred .
45 At least so far as chess is concerned , working on the level of ideas , instead of specific calculations , seems to let a tremendous amount of imprecision into one 's thinking .
46 It was a sign that Ceauşescu intended to go much further than Dej in rehabilitating the Romanian past and distancing the Communist regime from the original Soviet model , at least so far as public presentation went .
47 It is in Darién , however — at least so far as Panama 's administrators are concerned .
48 Speaking at a conference on the ‘ Future of the Irish Country House ’ ( 26 February ) , the Prime Minister of Ireland , Albert Reynolds made a statement of profound importance about how Ireland has come to terms with its Anglo-Irish past , at least so far as its architecture is concerned .
49 But he is not directly accessible in any ordinary sense , nor can the necessity of the concept of God for the interpreting of our experience be demonstrated , at least so far as pure reflection on the nature of our knowledge can take us .
50 Still , to some extent , every modern economy , at least so far as ownership of some means of production or municipal enterprises or financial institutions are concerned , is a mixed economy .
51 To the outsider , psychoanalysis appears a pretty broad church , at least so far as dream interpretation is concerned .
52 They made up the double bed in William and Kate 's room , which was the best room in the house , overlooking the back garden and mercifully free from images of death , destruction and eternal torment , which presumably meant that William had been kept out of it , at least so far as the decor was concerned .
53 Equally , however , the substantial de facto mobility out of the manual working class has not dissolved its traditional collectivist propensities , at least so far as trade unionism is concerned .
54 From the fairly casual manner of Nicholls ' wording and his failure to mention what he had recommended , we may take it that , at least so far as he was concerned , the problem of the status of emigres holding non-Soviet passports had not at this stage been presented as of overwhelming importance or urgency .
55 The meeting , however , failed to produce a satisfactory outcome ( at least so far as Harold Wilson was concerned ) , and I wrote a letter to the BBC demanding an apology in some ensuing programme .
56 There are basically three types , at least so far as desktop publishers are concerned ; Bit maps , photographs and object oriented graphics .
57 Questions about the products suitability for use with forthcoming Apple products are met with a degree of silence reminiscent of a Trappist monk but the general assurance is that the product is ‘ future proof ’ , at least so far as Apple is concerned .
58 After two solid years of operation we would n't change the system , at least so far as newsletter production is concerned .
59 So , if we accept that the Macintosh and the PC were designed differently , work differently and treat the user differently which is going to be the best — at least so far as desktop publishing is concerned ?
60 At the moment it is still a new and unproven product but it could well represent the next generation of TechDoc software , at least so far as the corporate publisher is concerned .
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