Example sentences of "[adv] at the very " in BNC.

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1 The program designer needs to be in communication with the curriculum designer , especially at the very beginning of the development .
2 Perhaps once in a film , for a special moment , I might show the whole orchestra , or perhaps at the very end , with the lights down .
3 A similar state of affairs had existed only at the very dawn of coinage when , in a number of areas including Asia Minor or Athens , a variety of personal designs had appeared , perhaps implying that for a short time after its inception coinage was sometimes produced on the authority of prominent individuals rather than of the state .
4 Grandparents who moved in only at the very end of their lives , just for a few last months , rarely left much of a mark unless earlier contact had been important .
5 ( I , 817 — 18 ) Sartre arrives at what he calls ‘ the real problem of History ’ , that is how there can be totalization without a totalizer , only at the very end of Volume I. It is not until the next volume , however , that he intends to show how individual actions , separate multiplicities , make up ‘ one human history , with one truth and one intelligibility ’ ( I , 69 ) .
6 Greek by nationality , he was born and spent most of his life in Russia , returning to the land of his ancestors only at the very end of his days , where he shortly thereafter died .
7 In fact , it was largely through the middle-class and scientific bias of the new provincial colleges that English Language , Literature , and History came to serve as a so-called " poor man 's classics " , and it was only at the very end of the century that Oxbridge became sufficiently concerned to begin to succumb to the then " national demand " for such studies and introduce new " Schools " and " Tripos " regulations that would allow the ancient institutions to take a lead in these new areas .
8 He was a writer of the fidgety , costive kind whose works are long in the planning , and meticulous in the execution — only at the very end of a project , when the scaffolding , the foundations , the walls and roof and even the plaster were laid down , did spontaneity and delight take over , in the actual play of , play with , words themselves .
9 The moment when it enters his or her head , that X was the one who did it , can thus be concealed and brought out only at the very end of the story .
10 Can you co up again if you can co I 'm going back to The reason being that the approach to the business was one of quality and a large amount of hand-finishing , and , the leathers were aimed mainly at the , saddlery and leather goods trade and also only at the very top end of the shoe trade .
11 Those engaged in classifying creatures in museums worked anyway with dead ones ; it was only at the very end of the nineteenth century that the collecting of dead animals and dead birds gave way to the careful observation of living ones , using binoculars .
12 ‘ If you look at something like raising a purchase order , what it tends to involve is combining bits of paper from different departments and only at the very end is a computer entry made — which is not a massive improvement on all-paper systems , ’ said .
13 He told her so at the very end .
14 They were standing together at the very edge of the platform on which the morning room was constructed .
15 The village church , tucked away at the very end of a winding leafy lane , is dedicated to St Mary .
16 After all , he had managed to dismantle the magical aspects of my eidesis and now he began to chew away at the very grist of what he termed my ‘ delusionary apparatus ’ .
17 Thus at the very end of Volume Three Frodo sings again ‘ the old walking-song , but the words were not quite the same ’ ; he says not ‘ we may … take the hidden paths that run , /Towards the Moon or to the Sun ’ , but ‘ I shall ’ .
18 He and his officer rode at the head of their squadron , and were thus at the very tip of the advancing French army .
19 and er just at the very end all you could see was her and your man , the hologram and he 'd just been killed about five minutes earlier .
20 There is no doubt that the removal of the child by this mother was done precipitately at the very time when the child 's future care was already under consideration by the Ontario court .
21 There is one question that you should always ask each candidate , preferably at the very start of the interview .
22 Life had caught up with her , her job , her problems , but always at the very back of her mind the dream remained — Andalucía and a brilliant , handsome man on horseback , secret gardens with wrought-iron gates , fierce fighting bulls and beautiful Arab horses .
23 But I honestly do think that we are probably at the very bottom of the list for help for women amongst the 12 EC countries — we are certainly regarded so in Europe ’ .
24 It is incumbent upon the researcher to explain clearly at the very onset why the research is being done , what sort of results are hoped for and what feedback there is likely to be which may help the potentate and/or expert who has helped with the project .
25 ‘ Emilia , dearest , do you imagine I could abandon you now at the very moment I have longed for ?
26 Even at the very top of the market there are amazing bargains .
27 Not even at the very end .
28 She recalled Alain Gebrec 's warning that the edge was unstable in places ; panic threatened to take over ; she was on the point of abandoning the whole insane exercise when , almost at the very edge of the cliff , she spotted something that gleamed in the sun .
29 He spent like four hours or something with the attorney general and with these three other staff over there … and they spent most of the time talking about all aspects of the Iran initiative and so forth , and then at the very end Meese pulled out that April memo … and said , ‘ what about this ? ’
30 For the first time in many months she contemplated the uncontemplatable , and thought that it might not be so with him , even though her heart began to thud uncomfortably at the very idea .
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