Example sentences of "[adv] a question [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And the issue is not simply that of deteriorating staff-student ratios , which has attracted so much attention , but at least as much a question of capital investment .
2 Food was still rationed and it was very much a question of making the best use of available resources and we had absolutely unlimited demand — a very false situation as it turned out when you think about what happened to British industry afterwards .
3 The degree of risk created by the bad driving should be regarded as the crucial factor ; it is not so much a question of whether the sentence should be more severe when the risk eventuates , as whether the sentence should be more lenient when the risk does not materialize .
4 When the economic crisis became severe , community mobilization became not so much a question of participation in decision-making as practical support to keep schools and education projects going .
5 What others call us is very much a question of age-group .
6 However , Ms Callil says that overall it is not so much a question of bigger profits , as ‘ less loss ’ .
7 But it is also very much a question of medium and size .
8 This has been not so much a question of exegesis but of hermeneutics , searching for the underlying meaning and background to the understanding and belief in the demonic world ( see Carr 1981 ) .
9 ‘ It was not as much a question of whether we would take a new step in our computerisation , but if we would subcontract it out , ’ said Olivier and Xavier Decelle , Picard 's president and managing director , respectively , in an article in Les Echos .
10 In this regard criminal law shares a problem with contract law , which adopts the ambivalent posture of holding both that the devil himself can not know the mind of man and that the state of a man 's mind is as much a question of fact as is the state of his digestion .
11 It 's not so much a question of pushing the music as finding the way to let it pull the listener through .
12 Clara could not explain to the school that it was not so much a question of finance , as of her mother 's instinctive opposition to any pleasurable project — and anyone could see that a visit to Paris could not possibly fail to entail more pleasure than instruction .
13 The geographical spread will be very much a question of how the highland and lowland TAVRAs — the Territorial Army volunteer reserve associations — decide to allocate their resources .
14 It is not so much a question of what is promised as of the attitudes of those who will implement the decisions if the Tories are successful .
15 ‘ It 's basically a question of budgets ’ , said director Robert T. Buck .
16 It is basically a question of ‘ balance ’ , in that the salesperson must judge the individual circumstances and ‘ tailor ’ the demonstration accordingly .
17 It is not merely a question of its vastness ( it is the second largest country in the world , measuring 9.2 million square kilometres ) , but its breathtaking grandeur : God 's own country , as the Canadians delight to call it .
18 It 's merely a question of altering your foundation to match your skin colour .
19 Four fences out , Llewellyn made his move , and from the next it was merely a question of whether Party Politics could hold on or whether Romany King could peg him back .
20 Providing you had memorised the five scale patterns and the associated chord shape for each one , it was merely a question of finding the chord shape in whatever key/position was required , and the appropriate scale fingering would follow .
21 Cast out by his flock , who fail to persuade him that life is merely a question of survival , Jonathan continues to pursue excellence in flight , and eventually discovers the unlimited potential of being .
22 This was not merely a question of parliamentary tactics .
23 The appropriate analogy for the structural weakness of sociology in this respect is the social reality sociologists study : sexism is not merely a question of institutional discrimination against women , but the schema of underlying values is also implicated .
24 This is merely a question of research .
25 It was n't a matter of if they would return ; it was merely a question of when .
26 He has a great advantage , for seldom need anything be done to alter its physical features : it is merely a question of dressing it with suitable plants .
27 ‘ It is not merely a question of unlawful sexual intercourse with a person who may not be in a position to give true consent .
28 Nor is it merely a question of politics .
29 We have watched Eastern Europe grapple for freedom and the liberty that we enjoy , yet I have watched the House of Commons talk solemnly as if this were merely a question of a pile of money at one end of a table or the issuing of financial instruments .
30 This is not merely a question of allocative efficiency , which we might answer by considering the resources tied up in looking after the sick or the extra output that healthier workers could produce .
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