Example sentences of "[adv] for the weekend " in BNC.

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1 Well , I saw his van really , once when he came to pick up Billy when they were going off somewhere for the weekend .
2 But apparently he 's all right for the weekend because Saturday is a courting-free day ! ’
3 so that 's done some work on that , and there 's now four models for training , one is the , you know , on the job , evenings , training , there 's the weekend model of getting people together for the weekend , there 's the sort of summer school idea and the other one 's the one that Doug keeps reminding me about , which I keep forgetting about which is the distance learning one , er we , I think this is the one he thinks is running in Dundee , that maybe help with because the idea of developing a pack which is kind of trainer proof
4 ‘ I said we 'd go away together for the weekend , ’ said Preston .
5 ‘ Let's go away for the weekend , ’ he said .
6 On one occasion she packed up her car as if about to go away for the weekend , then sauntered up the street , leading the press to believe she had gone to buy a packet of Polos .
7 I had been away for the weekend and David Bowie is not the most domesticated person in the world .
8 ‘ I 've promised to take Claudia away for the weekend , and she 's not going to let me off it even though we 're so shorthanded .
9 He had hidden it , thinking it would come in useful if he persuaded any girls to go away for the weekend with him .
10 I will protect you , play games with you , take you away for the weekend .
11 She and had obviously gone away for the weekend .
12 If you go away for the weekend during the winter , leave the central heating on the minimum thermostat setting , with the programmer set to 24-hour operation and remove or prop open the loft hatch .
13 Getting away for the weekend , or even for a day of walking , is the ideal cure for those post-summer-oh-my-God-how-can-I-afford-Christmas blues .
14 It would have been different if the other girls had been in the flat , but they were both away for the weekend .
15 Mary and Reggie had gone away for the weekend , and would not be back until evening .
16 I 'd been away for the weekend to a little shack a hundred miles away .
17 Perhaps he was away for the weekend .
18 Sorry , old boy , going away for the weekend . ’
19 I thought you might be away for the weekend . ’
20 The boss is away for the weekend and I 'm on call .
21 I 've no intention of staying over there longer than I have to , and Sorrel 's away for the weekend herself . ’
22 Jean Parmiter sent her apologies for being unable to teach as arranged ; she and her husband had had to go away for the weekend .
23 They 're away for the weekend . ’
24 ‘ Only to an expert in family relationships — and I know you were away for the weekend ! ’
25 You take me away for the weekend and then come back and act as if you 've just met me at a friend 's house for the first time !
26 I sha n't be there , gone out , going away for the weekend .
27 And then you 're going away for the weekend ?
28 Erm no I went away for the weekend this weekend and er made four ta tapes of me and Frank in the car driving around from er we went to erm Oxford first then we went to Bournemouth , then we went to Winchester and then we went to Cheltenham , .
29 and on his own , and said to mum , come up here and get away for the weekend , cos it 's a hell of a burden to carry , with no release , I mean even going on holiday , she has to book it , organise his packing , wash it , you name it , .
30 I done it to I done it to Russell one night messing around and he told the girls in work I 'd been away for the weekend and he 'd had somebody else there honest to God he did !
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