Example sentences of "[adv] influenced by the " in BNC.

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1 At that time , economic thinking on development was very much influenced by the success of the Marshall Plan in financing the rehabilitation of Europe , and by the effect of parallel U.S. aid to Japan .
2 It will be recalled that temperature and cortisol show a daily rhythm that is much influenced by the body clock and this suggests , but does not prove , that humans and other primates are very similar with regard to the site of the body clock .
3 During this period Horton studied under Reinhold Niebuhr , among others , and was very much influenced by the works of Edward C. Linndeman , and Joseph K. Hart , both advocates of the potency of adult education as an instrument of social change .
4 Being only eighteen years of age and relatively unversed in matters of state , Queen Victoria was much influenced by the Prime Minister , Viscount Melbourne , who held that office from 1835 to 1851 .
5 This was immediately prior to the Nicholson ‘ star ’ era ; the wave of which he rode the crest was beginning to build and it is interesting to chronicle for a moment some of the events leading up to his ‘ discovery ’ as a major Hollywood personality — a hero of the age and one who , as we have seen , was much influenced by the existentialist prophecies of Kerouac , which were now , finally , coming home to roost in middle-class America and elsewhere .
6 But these values were much influenced by the changes in the value of the dollar , both in relation to other currencies and in relation to world prices .
7 Hop growing was the main industry in the village and the school 's calendar was very much influenced by the farming calendar : ‘ August 24th , 1883 — broke up for the harvest and hop tying today .
8 Christie 's sale had a higher number of successes as well as the most expensive lot , Giuseppe de Nittis excellent ‘ At the races ’ , a work much influenced by the artist 's friend Degas .
9 Like Gogarten — another systematic theologian — he was German and Lutheran ; and he was also much influenced by the Existentialism of Martin Heidegger ( 1889 — 1976 ) .
10 Although in prose — as one says , perhaps too much influenced by the conventions of the comedies — this is one of the most serious scenes in the play ( 91–229 ) , and when the soldiers have left the King ascends to verse for what is to me the most deeply felt speech of all : In his own persona the King speaks verse , entering on to a prose-scene between Fluellen and Gower to express his anger at the French murder of the luggage-minders , and continuing in verse to Fluellen ( IV.vii.55–118 ) .
11 Disraeli , much influenced by the desire to secure the support of the new working-class voters ( mainly better-off skilled men ) , introduced measures during his conservative government of 1874–80 to improve the status of trade unions , public health , education and housing .
12 It has been noted as a common error in response to ratio and proportion questions , but its incidence is much influenced by the numbers in the questions and particularly by context ( Bell , APU ) .
13 For instance the Taunton Commission Report , 1868 , and the Hadow Report , 1926 , were both much influenced by the contemporary view of the needs of the economy .
14 In reaching that conclusion , he was much influenced by the fact that , in a relator action brought to enforce public rights or public law , it is accepted practice , where the relator is a local authority , to require an undertaking in damages from the local authority as in the case of any other relator .
15 This master , who seems to have learnt from the Pistoxenos Painter , is clearly much influenced by the great painting of his time but always remains faithful to the single base-line , feeling it perhaps a proper convention for vase-decoration .
16 Few of the rulers or ministers who attempted far-reaching reform in these areas were much influenced by the Enlightenment and none advertised his adherence to its ideas as Frederick II and Catherine II did .
17 A variant theme in recent historiography has been that by the mid-ninth century , nobles had been too much influenced by the church 's stress on peace , and had thus become unfit for military service .
18 Like ‘ the Zone of Love ’ this is in fact a vision of a heavenly environment which is very much influenced by the theologies of the East but more particularly the writings of Swedenborg ( 1688–1772 ) .
19 His Homily for the Sunday after Ascension Day , which may date from soon after 1000 , says that a king should protect his people against an attacking army and rule with love and justice , and on the advice of his counsellors. Ælfric seems to have been much influenced by the contemporary continental churchman Abbo of Fleury , who had spent two years at Ramsey in the 980s , for he translated into English not only his Passio of St Edmund of East Anglia , but also the treatise De duodecim abusivis sæculi , written in seventh-century Ireland , and used by Abbo in his Collectio canonum , addressed to the French monarchs Hugh Capet and Robert the Pious .
20 However , it is recognised that awards for comparable injuries should be comparable and in practice in an individual case the amount of the award is much influenced by the amounts of awards in previous cases in which the injuries appear to have been comparable , adjusted as appropriate in the light of the fall in the value of money since such awards were made .
21 Like the others , K 19a ( rediscovered not long ago ) was much influenced by the most successful London musician of the time , J C Bach — son of J S Bach .
22 Stravinsky was then 28 , and much influenced by the gorgeous and sumptuous orchestration of Rimsky-Korsakov , with whom he had studied for three years .
23 Making comparisons of crude death rates across time or between populations is problematic as the rate is obviously influenced by the age composition of populations : a population with a large component of older people will illustrate a higher crude death rate than a population of the same size including a lot of younger people .
24 He found that the bats ' activity was clearly related to the air temperature , but also that at certain times of year they were crucially influenced by the street lights ( Holarctic Ecology , vol. 14 , pp 203–7 ) .
25 The time taken to perform a search is not only influenced by the indexing language and system , however , but also by system response times , search strategies that are available and the style of the dialogue in a computer-based system .
26 He was sufficiently influenced by the Lewisham events to seek a ban on similar marches in the months that followed .
27 But current usage tends to be more precise , perhaps influenced by the philosophical meaning .
28 Perhaps influenced by the number of his contemporaries who showed neurasthenic tendencies , the Reverend Henry Newcome had founded a Society and formed a rule which had as its purpose the support of priests working in the growing parishes of newly industrialised cities .
29 Perhaps influenced by the parachuting entrance he had by then made in the stage musical Billy , Crawford appeared from the heavens , lowered by a wire and dressed angelically , complete with wings — and beret .
30 And although the majority of materialist philosophers base their belief in the neurophysiological theory of perception on arguments rather than observations , they are , nevertheless , greatly influenced by the apparent successes of neurophysiology .
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