Example sentences of "[adv] exist [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To me it seems that beauty , and indeed the qualities and forms which give rise to beauty , only exist for a consciousness .
2 Many extremely interesting publications on art currently only exist as a one-off draft .
3 And as they only exist , these many worlds , in dreams , so they only exist in a work of art .
4 Within this framework , Ryan makes two main proposals , both extremely interesting : first , that plot-advancing propositions can be defined as those that affect , directly or indirectly , the relationships between the worlds that make up the textual universe ( Chapter 7 ) ; second , that the aesthetic value or " tellability " of a story partly depends on the degree of diversification of such worlds , i.e. on the richness of the virtual situations and events that only exist in the minds of the characters ( whether they are explicitly mentioned in the narrative or need to be inferred by readers ) ( Chapter 8 ) .
5 In adolescence friendships normally exist within the larger social structure of peer relationships .
6 The scenario repeats itself again and again : the rainwater gutters are choked with leaves and self-seeded grass ; damp seeps through the roof and , as the building is often boarded up and not properly ventilated , perfect conditions soon exist for an outbreak of dry rot .
7 Whether they believe in heaven and hell as places that physically exist with a geography of their own , or as concepts existing on the spiritual plane alone , this view holds good .
8 The schemes will be generally similar to those for UK employees and the limits which already exist on the number of shares available to the Company 's share schemes will not be changed .
9 A bill is at this moment passing through Parliament which will enable the Milk Marketing Board to change from a statutory monopoly into a milk-buying co-operative , similar to those that already exist on the Continent , to be called Milk Marque .
10 These already exist as , as obviously the speakers to the motion is , are aware , they already exist at a national level , erm if we support this motion obviously what we 're talking about here is introducing er awards at local or regional level .
11 It is felt that sufficient services already exist for the mobile phone network .
12 These new statutory powers , which are not without their doubters and critics , are in addition to those which already exist under the common law .
13 In thanking my right hon. Friend for that answer , may I ask him to have regard to the stresses and strains that already exist in a predominantly Christian European Community and to consider whether they would be increased if we admitted to the Community nations with a predominantly Islamic culture ?
14 ‘ However , I am also aware that considerable counter pollution resources already exist in the Gulf area as a result of existing contingency plans to deal with spillages of oil from tanker casualties and other sources . ’
15 Water polymers therefore already exist in the solvent used to prepare the potencies , but in a random and disordered form .
16 I believe that he was misleading the House and the country by those assertions , because the burden of the case of those of us who think that the Bill is completely irrelevant to the problems of our prisons which it purports to tackle is that the penalties already exist in the Public Order Act 1986 , for which the Government can legitimately take credit .
17 Being master of a college does give one an opportunity to work with whatever forces already exist within the college in order to get things moving .
18 Seven Labour Councillors and twenty three officers , cutting twenty three thousand pounds of Charge payers ' money is totally unnecessary when liaison groups already exist within the chief executive 's office , the Development Association and the Regional Association , on which we all have representatives .
19 Overconstrained products usually exist in the high technology markets .
20 Arguably , it lies in the fact that the very best American radio ads are genuinely original and imaginative , and these hardly exist in the UK .
21 Informal organisations always exist within a formal organisation , and if employees are properly motivated , these informal organisations should operate to the advantage of the formal organisation 's efficiency and effectiveness .
22 Remains of these baths still exist on the south side of the Pantheon .
23 There are , of course , an increasing number of exceptions but concerns still exist about the time involvement of clinicians and whether it represents the most valuable use of their time .
24 Because the Australian aborigines still exist at the hunter-gatherer level of culture they have no need for a weaning trauma in early childhood as is found among all primitive agriculturalists , and consequently children , although experiencing a period of oral dependency as they do in the West , linger in that stage , do not have to give it up and , in a sense , remain unweaned until adulthood — or , certainly until initiation , which is essentially the same thing .
25 Local environmentalists have fiercely criticized the fact that unsafe conditions still exist at the plant even after three years of clean-up work .
26 The tombs of the first three governors of Madeira , including that of the discoverer and first governor João Gonçalves Zarco , still exist under the high altar .
27 . only about 20 birds still exist in the wild and in-breeding is feared .
28 Here again the old north to south and east to west through-roads were diverted to pass through the new market place , so producing the dangerous corners which still exist in the town today .
29 This is particularly , but by no means exclusively , the case in polymeric materials where great problems still exist in the proper description in terms of the microstructure .
30 The remnants of this practice still exist in the form of the viva voce , where a student 's work is assessed by examiners .
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