Example sentences of "[adv] closer to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The same tendency to compromise showed itself in a facet of internal policy much closer to home , one whose violent impact threatened life and property on the British mainland herself .
2 Much closer to home , sightings of dolphins and porpoises around British coastal waters are rapidly decreasing , although 12 species are regularly seen .
3 Anyway , there are bogeymen much closer to home : true Brits who drink too much lager and then get behind the wheel of a car .
4 This year , however , Britain has been faced by a tyrant much closer to home .
5 Water shortages can occur much closer to home .
6 An understanding monarch reflected that disobedient and violent subjects were also to be found much closer to home .
7 Another example , much closer to home , relates to the persecution of witches in pre-industrial Britain .
8 The keynote for the last years of Offa , however , is sounded by an event much closer to home than the Carolingian court .
9 But this shift of emphasis was not due to any direct influence from the Formalists whom , as I have said , the New Critics did not know ; it was due to the influence of a figure much closer to home , the poet T.S .
10 It was n't the truth awaiting her at the château that she feared , but one much closer to home .
11 Much closer to home for me , we listened to the hon. Member for Oxford , East ( Mr. Smith ) , who represents and lives in the Blackbird Leys part of Oxford .
12 EVER thought what would happen if your bike broke down in Donegal , Dingle , or Dorset , let alone much closer to home ?
13 Meanwhile closer to home , it 's home sweet home for our footballing sides on parade .
14 He had underestimated the new mood of his members who had become sick and tired of the never-ending series of disputes , which they knew in their consciences had been driving the Division ever closer to bankruptcy .
15 These factors the patriotism edging ever closer to chauvinism , the conviction that a Catholic composer must be inherently superior to a non-Catholic , the tendency to let emotion blind the reason are surely relevant when we consider d'Indy 's attitude towards Rameau .
16 Slightly closer to home , is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the British chambers of commerce today report that this is the seventh consecutive quarter in which the United Kingdom economy has suffered from recession , with levels of economic activity continuing to decline ?
17 Yet familiarity may be blinding us to equal intelligence expressed by animals far closer to home .
18 Thompson approaches even closer to pluralism .
19 Among those who could not be trusted were colleagues even closer to home , right inside the NSC , who believed in presenting the President with ‘ ranges of options ’ for his policies in Iran or Central America .
20 Even closer to home is the enchanting beauty of the Craigendarroch Country Estate .
21 You and your family could be enjoying the delights of Bermuda , Florida and Disneyland , Australia and its Great Barrier Reef , or the exotic mysteries of Thailand with its capital Bangkok , the ancient worlds of Greece and Egypt , or you can travel even closer to home in the UK .
22 Hourly electric trains connect London to the U.K. 's Northern Capital in under two hours , whilst the regional attractions of York and Harrogate rest even closer to hand .
23 Well a little closer to home now for the rest of the sport in our roundup .
24 Are n't there causes a little closer to home they could be investigating ?
25 There is a skill in coping with real life software and once you realise this fact you can start to live with your computer in something a little closer to harmony !
26 This is not , after all , the stuff of drama texts but of matters rather closer to reality .
27 It is dimly discernible with the naked eye between Eta and Zeta , considerably closer to Eta .
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