Example sentences of "[adv] allowing for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The whole object of sex is to have unlike acting on unlike so as to make possible the production of unlike offspring , thus allowing for adaptive change , Darwin argues .
2 Foreign trade would cease to be a state monopoly , although the state would continue to " direct and control " it , and the state " recognizes the ownership of mixed enterprises " , thus allowing for joint ventures with foreign investors in the future .
3 The glycosidic angle , describing the orientation about the bond connecting the base to the sugar has been estimated by integrating intranucleotide cross peaks from NOESY data , such as that shown in Fig.3 a at a number of mixing times ( 50 , 100 , 200 , 300ms ) , thus allowing for different degrees of build-up of the through-space interaction as well as second-order spin diffusion effects .
4 All manufacturing units have been consolidated into United Distillers Production Inc. , thus allowing for significant rationalisation and productivity enhancement .
5 It is a one-fifth scale model of Endeavour , built using traditional methods , but also allowing for modern safety requirements .
6 Even allowing for other work the team covered during out-of-hours duty ( acting as a consultant to other professionals , checking the register and forwarding referrals for other Local Authorities ) the overall total per team member per month was still only 4 hours per month out-of-hours work .
7 During the 1980s , however , there have been very marked changes in the levels of secondary school enrolment , even allowing for political disruptions .
8 Even allowing for delicious exaggeration it still added up to a horrifying picture and she began to wish she had n't even tried to get into the company .
9 Now , with the completion of these treatment plants and THORP , BNFL is seeking to vary discharge authorisations , but even allowing for projected increases in some contributions , the overall total dose resulting from the discharges will remain very low .
10 Even allowing for original tissues such as connective tissues , fat and blood vessels , probably many hundreds of million lymphocytes surround every boil .
11 For example , the modelling of the corporate sector , particularly allowing for imperfect competition , is likely to pose formidable problems .
12 This would be covered 2.6 times by earnings ( excluding additional tax ) or 2.3 times after fully allowing for additional Advance Corporation Tax ( ‘ ACT ’ ) .
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