Example sentences of "[adv] contains a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The box below contains a list of salient points to check against your own company 's report and accounts .
2 The advantage they have over individuals is that , although each practice only contains a part of the complex phenomenon which is society , each one is a ‘ whole ’ in the sense that it consists of a variety of different kinds of parts , all of which are interrelated .
3 That is , the depth of particular religions not only contains a clue to the meaning of ultimate reality , as Tillich maintains , but is the only means open to man to understand what is meant by ultimate reality , for the concept itself acquires its meaning from its use in a particular mode of discourse .
4 Today , the old banqueting hall no longer contains a table and that spacious room , with its high and magnificent ceiling , serves Mr Farraday well as a sort of gallery .
5 Yet this image , allowing for exaggeration , is not totally removed from the reality of prewar Japanese society , and the persistence of some of the same characteristics in the post-1945 period therefore means that such categorization still contains a measure of truth .
6 Cornwall still contains a lot of tin .
7 Note that the store location accessed still contains a copy of the information read .
8 Hence , the fact that a noun phrase usually contains a noun would be indicated in the ruleset .
9 A world-wide Mareva injunction now always contains a proviso designed to afford some protection for third parties from what would otherwise be ‘ an altogether exorbitant , extra-territorial jurisdiction ’ .
10 The head holds the nucleus and is partly covered by a cap which probably contains a substance which helps to break down the wall of the ovum .
11 The paragraph also contains a clue as to why management budgeting has been perceived , by some , to be a failure in that it talks of an ‘ unsophisticated system ’ .
12 The draft Approved Document also contains a provision requiring that the first occupants of a dwelling must receive instructions on how to look after the smoke detector system that has been installed .
13 It also contains a sample of ‘ Saffil , ’ that near-miraculous aluminium oxide fibre which looks like cotton-wool , withstands heat up to the melting point of steel , strengthens metals , and is used to line furnaces and between the tiles which protect the space shuttles in their searing return to earth — and was , after all , a research-led , rather than a market-led discovery .
14 The AA 's free booklet , Motoring on the Continent also contains a mileage chart giving distances between 16 ports and 20 major European destinations ; a list of toll charges ; a tale of motoring requirements in 12 countries and a guide to speed limits .
15 It also contains a range of patterns , including the evening cape or bedjacket , matching skirt and several jumpers .
16 The document also contains a clause stating that each EC country can continue to give a longer period of maternity leave , which must be paid at 80% of women 's wages .
17 Clone yA4C5 ( 220 kb ) maps to 10p11.2 , but the yeast isolate also contains a second contaminating YAC ( ∼330 kb ) which gives FISH signals on 3q21 .
18 The magazine also contains a problem page , church spy , stories , poetry and horoscopes .
19 The manual also contains a glossary of commonly used LIFESPAN terms .
20 It also contains a record of races and also distance & metric conversions plus many useful tips .
21 The book also contains a list of companies , with their headquarters and additional manufacturing and corporate information .
22 Accounting for Growth is a guide for investors on how to spot creative accounting techniques used in annual accounts — quite legally — to flatter profits ; it also contains a list which shows how many of the UK 's top companies use these techniques and to what extent .
23 The true theory of the Nicol prism was not clearly understood even by its inventor , but in a neglected paper by Edward Sang the mathematical theory is given completely for the first time ; this also contains a suggestion , made forty-seven years later by M. E. Bertrand in the Comptes Rendus , that a polarizer might be constructed of two glass prisms separated by a suitably placed thin layer of Iceland spar .
24 As well as these large-scale pieces , Mozart wrote a number of light entertainment pieces : unpretentious divertimentos for a small group of wind instruments ( oboes , bassoons and horns ) intended to be played outdoors on a summer evening ; more substantial serenades for string quartet and two horns written for the delectation of Countess Lodron ; a serenade for seven instruments written for Nannerl 's name-day ; the massive ‘ Haffner ’ Serenade for the marriage of Elisabeth Haffner , daughter of a prominent Salzburg merchant ( this also contains a violin concerto , incorporating the famous rondo ) ; and two ‘ echo ’ serenades — the Serenata Notturna for two contrasting groups of instruments , and the Notturno for four groups of strings and horns .
25 The i.c. also contains a regulator to provide a reference voltage .
26 The system also contains a sort program which converts the index file into a completed text file in the order the user wishes — usually alphabetical order .
27 Apart from the effects of the war on the local populace and their church , the book also contains a chapter on the German Luftwaffe 's KG100 that was involved in the attack .
28 It also contains a fungicide to discourage mould growth
29 Bowthorpe 's interim report also contains a group balance sheet and a segmental analysis of the results .
30 The Act also contains a number of aggravated offences of possessing a firearm with various intents , and these were set out in Chapter 7.7 above .
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