Example sentences of "[adv] reduced [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The risks have been somewhat reduced thanks to the 1992 Cheques Act which shifts responsibility to the banks provided all safeguards have been taken .
2 He even came across a restricted locality where lived a colony of what must have been a new sub-species of the extremely rare , Small Mountain Ringlet butterfly , for they were at a much reduced altitude to their normal haunts , and altogether smaller than the regular species .
3 Although this octamer binding site is perfectly conserved in the URR of the tumorigenic viruses HPV 16 and HPV 18 , inspection of the equivalent region in the URR of HPV 6 and HPV 11 , which cause only benign condylomatous warts , revealed a much reduced homology to the octamer motif , although the NFI site remained intact ( see Figure 1 ) .
4 Austin thus reduced law to the psychological fact of command and some American Realists are associated with the predictive account of law .
5 The more serious fighting in early July was in Slovenia , notably in the region of the Krsko nuclear power station ( eastern Slovenia ) , where the Slovene authorities also reduced capacity to 25 per cent on July 2 in preparation for a possible emergency shutdown after it was buzzed by military aircraft .
6 A national Reunion , residential courses , many local and regional events take place each year offering considerably reduced fees to members and The Medau News is distributed free to complement our administrative network which unites Medau enthusiasts throughout the country .
7 Conversely , platelets incubated with ‘ cholesterol-poor ’ liposomes showed a reduced cholesterol content and significantly reduced sensitivity to ADP .
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