Example sentences of "[adv] included in the " in BNC.

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1 ( In fact , sets right at the top of this range were only rarely included in the testing programme . )
2 Budgetary information is rarely included in the accounts of a profit-oriented or Type A non-profit organization .
3 In accordance with section 67 the item was properly included in the bill but the bill should have stated that this item had not yet been paid .
4 Do you regard that land as being within properly included in the inset or not ?
5 We feel that er the A fifty nine A sixty one Harrogate relief road schemes are properly included in the structure plan alteration , as they do accord with the advice contained in P P G's twelve and and draft P P G thirteen .
6 The apparatus of our state economy forms a component part of the production relations of Soviet society , that is , it is itself wholly included in the ‘ basis ’ .
7 Even so , proof of reliance is not difficult especially in view of s13(3) of SGA 1979 which provides that ordinary articles of commerce as specific goods are expressly included in the definition of sale by description .
8 The poll tax was duly included in the 1987 Conservative election manifesto and after their election victory it became the dominant political issue .
9 No matter what your particular taste in entertainments , you 'll be sure to find something to suit you … and it 's all included in the price of your holidays , making Club evenings excellent value for money .
10 The priorities are obviously included in the perfect fit .
11 It is scarcely possible , in the face of this legislation , to maintain that ‘ rights ’ are a privilege with which none but human beings can be invested ; for if some animals are already included within the pale of protection , why should not more and more be so included in the future ? ( 1922 : 5 )
12 As regards Olivetti 's OEM agreement with Digital Equipment Corp , a spokesman at Olivetti said , although DEC was selling Olivetti desktops throughout Europe — it sold approximately 60,000 in 1992 — portables were only included in the agreement at the start of this year ; much later than Olivetti decided to create a new line .
13 Provision for legislation for Marine Nature Reserves was only included in the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1987 at the last minute , after much pressure was brought to bear on Peers and MP 's by conservation bodies such as WWF and the Marine Conservation Society .
14 It was also notable that large areas of the BBC 's activities were not apparently included in the efforts to defend Mr Birt .
15 Unlike Marcion , many Gnostic sects welcomed numerous gospels other than the four which were finally included in the canon , and enjoyed producing ‘ secret ’ or apocryphal gospels , acts , epistles , and apocalypses ( the choice of these and not other literary genres being a silent testimony to the existence and currency of the canonical texts ) .
16 They will benefit especially , too , from explicit teaching about language , which is already included in the recommended programmes of study and which may need adaptation and reinforcement for such pupils .
17 I can confirm that Community Councils are already included in the Structure Plan mailing list , together with the Queensferry Association .
18 The candidate thus elected by the Party in the House of Commons will be presented for confirmation as Party leader to a Party meeting constituted as follows : Members of the House of Commons in receipt of the Conservative whip ; Members of the House of Lords in receipt of the Conservative whip ; Adopted Parliamentary candidates ; Members of the Executive Committee of the National Union not already included in the above categories .
19 Thank you Chairman , could I I just point out to members that the working ground information on existing flight levels being made publicly available is already included in the little resolution , resolution little six on your original paper , ballot example .
20 The type of policy we 're actually seeking is already included in the Humberside structure plan and I see this morning that er that was circulated as D four double O seven .
21 The best known is that , where there is a gift to a class of children living at a particular date , a child en ventre sa mère at that date but later born alive will be treated as having been living at the date and thus included in the class .
22 Thirteen schools were thus included in the survey .
23 The second part of the book is the detailed catalogue of the 705 pictures , drawings , prints , books , maps , costumes , scientific instruments , furniture and much more included in the exhibition .
24 If , on any of the pay days , your employee was not due any pay ( for example , if wages had been paid in advance at holiday time ) , the ‘ blank weeks ’ are still included in the calculation .
25 If on any of the pay-days , your employee did not get any pay ( for example , if wages had been paid in advance at holiday time ) , the ‘ blank weeks ’ are still included in the calculation .
26 Marketing director Jim Bradford says JWT is still included in the review , but confirms the other agencies involved have now been dropped .
27 His appointment to the staff of the Borodin mission to the Kuomintang in 1924 brought him into contact with hundreds of young Vietnamese for whom Canton was the centre of Chinese nationalism ; and communism which , at this time , was still included in the Kuomintang .
28 As the resistance R c is still included in the circuit the winding current can be monitored and when the control voltage has fallen to the transistor T2 is switched on again .
29 The right to national self-determination was formally included in the first programme of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party ( RSDLP ) , but was accorded a relatively low priority .
30 However , they are more usually included in the scope of in-service training , and they are indeed commonly used .
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