Example sentences of "[adv] becomes a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Narrating in his works quite literally becomes a kind of fabulation .
2 This conduct only becomes a nuisance when the consequence of his acts are not confined to his own land but extend on to his neighbour 's land .
3 While a certain amount of stress can be positive — it provides energy which enables us to do the things we want to do — it only becomes a problem if it develops into distress .
4 It only becomes a problem if the environment encourages it to grow excessively .
5 A natural action which only becomes a problem in excess and the foot continues to roll inwards .
6 It only becomes a mystery because we notice that there are too few facts to draw a conclusion .
7 That is still the reality of the Christian message , but that forgiveness only becomes a reality , efficacious , when I make it mine .
8 Because a human only becomes a resource when it is classed as an asset with potential to grow .
9 The room suddenly becomes a hive of activity as the team spring into action .
10 I was reminded of Kipling 's story , The Miracle of Purun Bhagat , a tale of a Western-dressed Indian statesman who suddenly becomes a hermit and holy man , living on a mountain , at one with nature .
11 Here an innocent ‘ expedition ’ suddenly becomes a conquest from one sentence to the next .
12 The reaction function g(U) then merely becomes a formalization of what Pigou and other classical writers had been saying all along , namely , that downward revisions of the money wage rate would eradicate the phenomenon of general unemployment .
13 As part of a dualist doctrine , the mentalist theory merely becomes a source of equivocations and obscurities .
14 From Dent , the street opposite the Sedgwick memorial is taken ; this soon becomes a country lane followed for a mile and a half to Deepdale Methodist Chapel , ignoring a signposted branch to Ingleton after a mile .
15 Almost impossible to control this initially welcome addition to the aquarium soon becomes a nightmare causing mayhem by settling close to and attacking other invertebrates .
16 At first he may look funny chatting away silently but it soon becomes a bore .
17 At the post office there is a clear indication for the turn off to the left , which very soon becomes a forest track that comes out on to a metalled road after 10 minutes walk .
18 Management 's role thus becomes a kind of balancing act ( this is sometimes called the ‘ stakeholder ’ theory ) , and it has to be even more persuasive than ever in ‘ selling ’ its proposals .
19 Like Beckett 's trilogy , though in much lighter vein , At Swim-Two-Birds thus becomes a story about a man telling a story about storytelling .
20 In this case matters concerned with hypertext presentation , such as ‘ this is a button ’ , would simply be a property of a logical object ; a button thus becomes a way of representing a logical object , rather than a logical object itself .
21 Chaucer 's Reeve , for Olson , is revealed as a judge who will not temper strict retributive justice with mercy , and thus becomes a character who is liable to strict justice himself .
22 Form thus becomes a condition of non-form and , however stable it may seem , all that can be observed in our universe is the existential process of change from one state to another .
23 Politics thus becomes a matter of solving problems in the manner of an engineer by the application of the appropriate technique ; it is the ‘ politics of felt need ’ , the ‘ politics of perfection ’ , and the ‘ politics of uniformity ’ .
24 It thus becomes a matter of the sensitivity of investment to changes in interest rates , i.e. what is the interest-elasticity of investment ?
25 Learning individually becomes a necessity .
26 They get you in individually , and sort of reveal embarrassing personal stories , and there 's , I mean it just becomes a battleground , your house for , for the weekend .
27 ‘ When you 've got targets and incentives it just becomes a family planning programme and not much more than that ’ Tricia Parker , Oxfam Bangladesh
28 Finding out about test-tube fusion quickly becomes a cloak and dagger venture as desperate scientists and others resort to spying to find out the secrets in the Utah lab .
29 Furthermore , especially when blooms are double or have many petals , it is quite likely that spent blooms will collapse into a rain-soaked soggy mess that quickly becomes a haven a breeding ground for mildew .
30 As I have already suggested , transmission styles are much more widespread than this , though : so familiar a part of teachers ' experience , in fact , that their practice quickly becomes a matter of habit and routine , of taken-for-granted competence , not strategic choice .
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