Example sentences of "[adv] established [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 More significant though was a displacement into , a condensation within , the homosexual of a whole range of political fears and anxieties made possible by existing and long established representations of homosexuality :
2 They recruited and trained some of West Africa 's best journalists , building on the already established foundations of newspaper readership and reporting .
3 Their destination tends to be New York , to join an already established colony of Fujianese .
4 At one end there are the primarily technological approaches , whereby hardware and software are used to aid already established methods of decision making : examples are financial planning and Executive Information Systems .
5 Sentence ( 3 ) opens with an apparent change of topic , but implicitly connects the new topic with the already established topic of the paragraph in a thematic parallel — to be found in T.S .
6 Slimming clubs are one of the best established ways of losing weight .
7 A properly set uniform emission fee that charged a given sum for each unit ( say , 1 tonne ) of pollutant emitted , for example , could achieve a collectively established level of air quality at the least total control cost to society ( Krier and Ursin , 1977 ) .
8 Positive financial incentives in the form of specific grants from a specially established Department of Health Fund would certainly help .
9 This is the view — not always openly expressed , but there in the background — that has produced a deeply established sense of women as both inferior and dangerous .
10 The arrow and its target should differ , with a clearly established hierarchy of sensory weight .
11 ‘ if it is demonstrated by reference to authority binding on this court , or by reference to clearly established principles of the common law , that the appellants were rightly held to have committed the actus reus of contempt of court , this court can not apply directly the terms of the Convention so as to reach a different conclusion .
12 AEG has taken a fairly established design of router , and fine-tuned it to become a much more easy to use machine than the Bosch .
13 Encouraged by the words of the pop songs and those who were already well established users of various natural and manufactured mind-expanding substances , youth took a wrong turn — or the right one , depending on your stance at the time .
14 To explain this idea it is easiest to start with the well established structure of game theory .
15 The rogues of the piece were undoubtedly the well established firm of Hodder and Stoughton , who seemed to have had an unusual and complex system of their own .
16 They applied the well established ploy of neutralising the troublemaker by proposing him for the position of chairman , where he is obliged above all to be impartial .
17 Mucosal injury is often ascribed to the well established ability of NSAIDs to inhibit synthesis of prostaglandins , as prostaglandins stimulate mucosal defence mechanisms such as secretion of mucus and bicarbonate and enhance mucosal blood flow .
18 NCM in Cardiff will initially use the well established system of its parent company and then , in time , transfer its clients to its own system .
19 The Arts provide ideal opportunities for achieving these aims , and The royal Bank of Scotland is a well established supporter of a wide range of artistic and creative events .
20 Strike notice is a well established feature of the law in other countries .
21 To be fair to John he may have thought he was on an already completed route , but the absence of the first bolt , a well established sign of a ‘ projet ’ , should have been respected .
22 Biopsy trauma is itself a stimulus to the synthesis of eicosanoids , but tissue fragments used for short incubation periods overcome the problems of tissue viability and both mechanical and chemical stimulation of synthesis of leukotriene are well established methods of generation under standardised conditions .
23 In some American states , the idea of suing your employer for the effects of stress is a well established fact of life .
24 All of these things are already well established features of the Resins Group [ a convenient contraction of its full title ] .
25 Soil geography has also had a well established legacy of soil maps which have attempted to relate the one extreme of detailed soil survey to the other of a world distribution .
26 It is thought of as a requirement incumbent on citizens in virtue of the independently established authority of the state .
27 By this time it was apparent that LIFFE had become a firmly established feature of London 's financial markets .
28 The independent republics do not , for the most part , have firmly established systems of parties competing for office .
29 One can not quite understand the process of informalisation in European countries if one does not take into account that here too one can observe upward movements of working-class traditions and downward movements of middle-class traditions of conduct , although it is not possible to speak of the emergence of a new more firmly established code of conduct .
30 The seal was set on his career in 1771 when he was elected president of the newly established Society of Civil Engineers , an exclusive ‘ club ’ admitting by invitation only the most eminent members of the profession .
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