Example sentences of "[adv] account for [num] " in BNC.

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1 The report points out that the sector is highly diversified : worldwide , the 10 largest companies only account for one third of production , while in Europe a large number of small and medium sized firms operate alongside 15 or so multinationals .
2 The amount of funds channelled towards buy-out/buy-ins has risen to 61 per cent of the total in 1989 , whereas that for start ups has fallen to only 6 per cent ( start-ups and other early stage only account for 15 per cent of total funds invested ) .
3 Although debt enquiries still only account for 6 — 7 per cent of total enquiries , the severity of the problems means that each case can take over 12 hours of interviewing and office work to handle .
4 As can be seen by figure 1 , the number of households headed by women in Latin America and the Caribbean , accounts for 25 per cent of the region 's households , and in Africa 17 per cent , whilst those of the developed regions only account for 20 per cent .
5 Between them these items taken together account for 60 per cent of total expenditure .
6 If you get a correlation of about point seven , it means that you 're only accounting for forty nine percent , less than half , of the variants in the other var the other sets of scores Think about it , if it 's a positive , if you 've got a correlation coefficient of one , what it means is that you account for a hundred perc or or sorry , if you 're gon na make convert it to a percentage , you times it by a hundred , it 's the proportion there .
7 Statistics show that typically it only accounts for two per cent of all the verbal behaviours that take place in a conversation .
8 Manufacturing only accounts for five per cent of GDP , and the internal market is small and undeveloped .
9 In urban areas in Britain , over 37 per cent of all journeys are made door-to-door on foot , yet official data continue to stress that walking only accounts for three per cent of all mileage .
10 Some 287 kilos of tiger bones were recovered , enough to account for 20 animals , thought to have been poached from national parks .
11 The situation was particularly disturbing in the state of Bihar , which alone accounted for three-quarters of the latter group .
12 Piano keys and name seals alone accounted for 80 tonnes of ivory .
13 The aircraft industry alone accounted for one-third of expenditure .
14 189 was clearly nowhere near enough , and Fredericks alone accounted for 105 of the reply .
15 According to one report , by the Earthscan organisation , routine ballast-dumping alone accounted for 400 000 tonnes of oil pollution a year by the end of the 1970s .
16 The EC and member countries together accounted for 51 per cent of the capital , with France , West Germany , Italy and the United Kingdom each providing 8.5 per cent .
17 In Britain , part-time , temporary , and self-employed workers already account for two out of every five workers ( see page 29 ) .
18 The main built-up areas at the hearts of the 228 functional regions recognized still account for 61.6 per cent of the total population , despite losing nearly 1.5 million people during the preceding ten years .
19 It seemed obvious that the best form of organization for overseas trade was the one that was used first in exporting wool and then by the cloth traders , who still accounted for three-quarters of English exports in the first half of the century : all the merchants involved would sell together at a ‘ staple ’ town , usually in Belgium or the Netherlands , where they could avoid competing with each other and so increase their bargaining strength .
20 Although there has been a substantial move away from the building of three or more bedroom houses in recent years , they still accounted for 60 per cent of the total housing stock in 1986 compared with nearly three-quarters a decade earlier ( Housing and Construction Statistics 1976–1986 , Table 6.8 , 1987 ) .
21 Adding life peers to the calculation inevitably reduces the Etonian proportion , but Eton still accounted for four hundred out of a total 1,156 , over one quarter of the entire chamber .
22 Nonetheless , as Table 5.8 shows , employment in primary industry can still account for 12 per cent of all employment in rural areas , and when all the ancillary trades associated with agriculture are counted in , for example , food processing , machinery , and fertilizer and pesticide production , agriculture may well account for some 10 to 15 per cent of all national employment , although there are no accurate figures for this .
23 Toshiba has not specified the size of the reduction in the half-yearly bonus , which traditionally accounts for 50 p.c. of total pay .
24 Such accidental attacks also accounted for 72 of the 467 US personnel wounded in the conflict .
25 As cost was the most important consideration of port users when determining port of call and as labour costs typically account for 60 to 70 per cent of operating costs , employers have sought both to reduce the size of their workforces and improve the utilisation of the labour that remains .
26 In modern Britain , a mere six publishers now account for 80 per cent of all daily , Sunday , and local newspaper sales ( Coxall and Robins , 1989 , p. 312 ) .
27 Broadleaves now account for 46 per cent of all new plantings in the UK .
28 It is noticeable , however , that whereas the G-5 countries now account for 75 per cent of the world 's FDI flow , their position as the five major exporters is a much less concentrated 45 per cent .
29 They now account for forty per cent of sales .
30 With little promotional support , cask ale sales are rising and now account for 20 per cent of the total beer market .
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