Example sentences of "[adv] along with the " in BNC.

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1 I can assure Graham he will be the loneliest man in football , reviled by people who have n't the first clue about the game , but who will go right along with the bloodsuckers willing him to fail .
2 ‘ For a start , I go right along with the ‘ never look a gift horse in the mouth ’ proverb , ’ he said .
3 Stick that lot together along with the teeniest , faintest soupçon of banjo , and you 've got something that sounds almost like a miniature piano .
4 There was a very considerable consensus on the elements selected , and these choices , in the order in which they appear in the text , are given below along with the percentage ( rounded to the nearest integer ) of the informants who identified each one .
5 In Chapters 14 and 15 , the extent to which their principles are applied to the relatively new media of television , film and video will be considered separately along with the statutory duties and voluntary censorship systems which work in these media to regulate the treatment of controversial subjects .
6 Counterfeiting is a deliberate attempt to confuse consumers by copying a well-known trademark , generally along with the packaging , to suggest that a product is made by a manufacturer with a good reputation when it is , in fact , inferior .
7 Humming absent-mindedly along with the music on the radio as she sped on through the night , Shannon pursed her lips thoughtfully .
8 This enables the history of a process model to be tracked easily along with the exact period when a particular model was active .
9 Conditions in mental handicap hospitals have improved substantially along with the advances made in the understanding of mental handicap and in the field of education , but life in any large institution , whether it be a prison , a hospital , or the army , is radically different to life within the community as a whole .
10 The thing I hated most about my pregnancy was the hot weather and my body changing I had quite a nice figure before but now along with the stretch marks , I hate my body .
11 Get this disk today along with the Wolfenstein extras disk ( Code 5150 ) they really do make Apogee 's latest game unbeatable either in the shareware or commercial markets .
12 Get this disk today along with the Wolfenstein extras disk ( Code 5150 ) they really do make Apogee 's latest game unbeatable either in the shareware or commercial markets .
13 Their bones have been found here along with the headless skeleton of a young prehistoric palaeolithic man from before 12,000BC .
14 And that was when we came , and we started hay-making along there to the man-killers we called him , of course there 's a better picture here and I 've got it here along with the man-killer we caught it up , and we 've got someone coming along behind .
15 Where the due diligence is to be on a major scale , then along with the accountants and solicitors involved , there may be other professionals , including insurance brokers , chartered surveyors , management consultants , patent and trade-mark agents , environmental consultants , actuaries , credit reference agencies , and even a merchant banker .
16 The gossip pegs Monday July 27 as the day DEC could announce additional layoffs with some people saying this round could force out as many as 15,000 people worldwide along with the closure of maybe ten manufacturing plants .
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