Example sentences of "[adv] identify with the " in BNC.

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1 It was not proposed that the two phases necessarily identified with the fibrils to be observed in highly drawn polymers although such identification is clearly possible .
2 This avenging boar , the agent of the insulted goddess , is henceforth identified with the destructive forces that produce tragedy .
3 On the negative side it should be recalled that many Belorussian nationalists were more pro-Western than specifically Belorussian in their emphasis , while many others became so identified with the Bolshevik Party that they shed earlier inclinations .
4 Locke is rightly identified with the development of liberal political thought , and so , by a common mode of thinking , his name is also linked to the idea of democracy .
5 Younger men like Kenneth Clarke , Kenneth Baker , and John MacGregor were less identified with the Prime Minister personally .
6 A chimpanzee is an easy recipient for human projections since humans can easily identify with the emotional expressions of chimpanzees .
7 He was too easily identified with the English cause and the conservatism of the small landlords .
8 Yet even they remained adamantly loyal to the socialist parties , and , although generally identifying with the Mensheviks , moved markedly to the Left in the pre-war period .
9 Answer guide : This example serves to illustrate the problem already identified with the microcomputer as the software has high development costs but can be superseded either by new versions of the same software as is the case for Lotus 123 , Word Perfect , etc .
10 Although we no longer identify with the traditional practices of ancestor worship , the centrality of death is reaffirmed by wars and indeed , the frequency in which the dead are brought before us in television , in literature and politics in contemporary life .
11 The public would no more identify with the new councils than they did with the present ones or did with the old councils , Prof Midwinter stressed .
12 Arrest warrants were also issued against 16 students directly identified with the assault on Chang .
13 His qualities as a Christian king are extolled in a letter addressed to him by a certain Aurelian , who was once identified with the bishop of Arles of that name .
14 The latter identified far more closely with French culture than their counterparts in Nigeria or the Gold Coast ever identified with the British .
15 Bradbury goes on to explain that this ‘ shift or lapse ’ is ‘ usually identified with the thirties , when realism and politics came back ’ ( 86 ) .
16 The picture is thus one of overt factions , with the Woodvilles manipulating the majority of the council against Gloucester and the small group of councillors who supported the idea of a protectorate — an element usually identified with the dead king 's friend and chamberlain William lord Hastings , who had personal reasons for fearing an increase in Woodville power and therefore for backing Gloucester .
17 Compradors have usually identified with the interests of the TNCs , whether they are directly employed by them or not , for both encourage the transformation of traditional patterns of consumption and behaviour in developing societies , though post-imperialism theory has yet to confront this particular issue .
18 The picture is thus one of overt factions , with the Woodvilles manipulating the majority of the council against Gloucester and the small group of councillors who supported the idea of a protectorate — an element usually identified with the dead king 's friend and chamberlain William lord Hastings , who had personal reasons for fearing an increase in Woodville power and therefore for backing Gloucester .
19 He is usually identified with the vir illustris and referendarius Asclepiodatus , who delivered Guntram 's instructions relating to the foundations of the queen and her daughters at Chalon-sur-Saône and Autun to the synod of Valence in 585 .
20 In passages which resonate with the spirit of Bagehot , ‘ a man of genius ’ , Dicey argues that the ‘ rule of a party can not be permanently identified with the authority of the nation or with the dictates of patriotism ’ and that ‘ while popular government may be under wise leadership a good machine for simply destroying existing evils , it may turn out a very poor instrument for the construction of new institutions or the realisation of new ideals ’ The limitations in practice of his belief in ‘ democracy tempered by snobbishness ’ are finally conceded :
21 He was appointed commissioner in 1975 and was quickly identified with the tough law and order stand of the then coalition government .
22 As minister of labour he was concerned that the government should not become totally identified with the Unionist Party and was determined that people in Northern Ireland should have the same standards of living as those in the rest of the United Kingdom .
23 This is undoubtedly an all European problem , United States , Canada , Japan , everyone else should be involved , er I think we should probably identify with the Soviet 's aid and help , hm , key projects like the conversion of military industry into consumer goods , er , like transport and communications , key areas of the economy where relatively small amounts of investment could produce big returns , and then finally it seems to me we should be extending to the Soviet Union for membership of er , international financial organisations like the world bank and the international monetary fund , whichever in criteria of course for helping countries and for integrating international aid to those countries .
24 Sources claim the Government is keen on cause the agency will not be automatically identified with the security forces in the mind of the public .
25 While Fontainebleau played an important part in the seasonal round of Court life , Compiègne was , and has remained , the Imperial residence most clearly identified with the Second Empire .
26 The unifying factor was Ho Chi Minh , acting as agent of the Comintern , and while it would not manage to suppress its nationalist tendencies indefinitely it was for the moment clearly identified with the Vietnamese working class .
27 The widening of awareness and gaining of new insight associated with the latter is clearly identified with the aesthetic domain .
28 Traditionally identified with the Ship Hotel ( dem. ) where Dickens himself had stayed .
29 The fact that face-to-face communication is usually considered as basic for the purposes of deictic reference , does not imply , however , that the deictic context relevant to ordinary conversation is invariably and straightforwardly identified with the immediate situation in which the interaction takes place : In 1 it is the speaker 's physical location within a restricted spatial setting ( e.g. a room , a square , etc ) that is relevant to the disambiguation of the place deictic " here " , whereas in 2 the reference of the same adverb falls within a much wider context ( a whole country ) , and the spatial deictic centre includes the hearer as well as the speaker .
30 From its first meeting it was also identified with the anti-slavery movement and this meant that it did not establish itself in America , where many religious leaders were wary of too close an identification with such a divisive issue .
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