Example sentences of "[adv] cut [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If it does not facilitate economic growth and expansion then it limits its capacity to raise taxes and so cuts into the public revenue on which its own power depends .
2 The example a few hundred yards upstream cuts through the neck of an entrenched meander , but it is some 100 m ( 330 ft ) long so that considerable modification will have to take place before it becomes a true natural arch of the Ardèche type , if it ever does .
3 It senses the danger and almost instantaneously cuts off the power with a speed of reaction which can prevent a tragedy occurring .
4 It almost instantaneously cuts off the power , and can prevent a tragedy occurring .
5 He followed it for two blocks , in the inside lane , then suddenly cut across the traffic to the centre , executed a left U-turn and returned to the Platz der Einheit .
6 Each of the six songs aired tonight moves through repetitive , bass-heavy passages , seductive segments in which Linda steers the band into more melodic territory and shocking moments when power chords suddenly cut through the mesmeric grooves and things take on an atmosphere of nervy unpredictability .
7 At Hyde Park Corner , a taxi travelling from Knightsbridge suddenly cut across the front of the Cortina and Charles had to slam on all his brakes .
8 Many schools , for instance , offer paper ready cut into a number of different shapes , and the children use whichever they want or need .
9 Around him five huge video screens hammer out a coordinated assault of atrocity footage , fast-forward surrealism , weird underwater bondage , faces twisted in deathly grins , all cut to a rumbling soundtrack of industrial noise .
10 The first here were from an assart only cut from the woods a few years back , it was a godsend indeed to them .
11 In 1305 the abbot of Thorney in the Fens complained that the abbot of Peterborough ‘ lately by night raised a dyke across the high road ’ , and so cut off the former 's access to corn and pasture .
12 This time his 38-year-old legs were not quick enough to cut off the corners and trap his quarry for even the slightest roughing-up .
13 It is generously cut with a soft collar and breast pocket .
14 With staffing already cut to the bone , it was union members who would suffer the effects of these new redundancies , which would also be felt by the economy .
15 Rose , whose own profits were already cut to the bone to get the order , knew that she was on trial .
16 It effectively cuts off the land the open agricultural land from these two fields and therefore visually it makes the paddock more part of Skelton Village .
17 There were further cuts across the fingers where they flexed .
18 I would expect further cuts over the next couple of months .
19 Of all the ministers present for today 's crucial session of future spending and tax plans , Michael Partial , the chief secretary to the Treasury is said to be most eager to see further cuts in the military .
20 Unless you are snipping soft growth where there is little space between stems you wish to prune and those that you do not wish to harm , always cut with the object wood well back in the blades to reduce stressing the blades and their pivot .
21 ‘ Skinhead ’ had already been used to describe the US marines , but a skinhead crop is not a crewcut , which is close cut at the sides and flat on top .
22 Short cut to the catwalk
23 They were about nine inches by six inches , some two inches in thickness , with a bold diamond pattern , deeply cut into the hard black face .
24 Electoral competition partly cuts across the struggles of functional elites , and , as we noted above , party leaders elected to government are Janus-faced : both statal and societal elites .
25 The 15 day limit also cuts into the time that should be spent assisting clients .
26 To the east of the wall , we reached a kind of well , an ancient cistern partly constructed from masonry but also cut into the rock .
27 Davies , 33 , also cut through the shop 's telephone wire and kicked a taxi driver in the groin .
28 Then the secondary bevel was carefully cut with a fine silicone coated felt wheel .
29 Using a blunt knife , carefully cut round the edge of the template .
30 The suit was as unpretentious as it was expensive , carefully cut around a body that had spent a lot of time in a gymnasium .
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