Example sentences of "[adv] grow [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A cutting is simply a length of stem top growth — with some plants it is a soft-tissue tip , with others a more mature hard-wood section — which , when inserted into soil or a suitable growing medium , and sometimes helped and encouraged by the presence of artificial hormones , will fight for life by producing roots , and so grow into a new individual plant .
2 Time has disintegrated the pea organically grown to the correct proportion that , true to fairy-tale tradition , he placed under the mattress !
3 But did it necessarily grow at the expense of royal power ?
4 Argument will only grow in a large organization if it is actually encouraged , and if the example is given from the top with courteous listening and praise for differences of view .
5 Maybe Matthew would look at her with fresh eyes , realize that the innocent freckled little creature he used to take swimming ( or riding , or bicycling or something ) had suddenly grown into a beautiful woman .
6 Comfrey will live at least 20 years , and is decorative enough to grow in the garden , as well as being extremely useful in plant nutrition .
7 As exemplified by the year two data shown in Table III , fewer patients with ileal and caecal inflammation or ileal inflammation alone grew at a subnormal velocity .
8 Here the vines are mostly grown at a height of between 140 and 180 metres on south-east and south-west-facing slopes although some climb steeply from the outskirts of Hautvillers and rise to a height of around 250 metres .
9 A homogeneous population will eventually grow at a steady rate r , which is given by the Euler-Lotka equation , In an asexual population , or a population of sexually reproducing haploids that vary only at a single locus , the outcome of natural selection depends simply on the long-term growth rates associated with each genotype , in the absence of density- or frequency-dependent interactions , each genotype will eventually grow exponentially at a rate that depends on its own life history , given by equation ( 1 ) .
10 This is actually frogspawn and it will eventually grow into a tadpole and then a frog .
11 The record-keeping and office procedures implications of the Modular Course when it started in 1973 with an intake of 75 students were modest but have since grown with the Course .
12 In 1985 , ESP also added testing of submersible motors to their list of services — a list that has since grown by the addition of testing protectors , PSIs and cable .
13 The bourbon shrub rose ‘ Zéphirine Drouhin ’ is widely grown as a climber because it produces scented pink flowers and its lack of thorns makes pruning easier .
14 As well as cereals , root crops — particularly potatoes and sugar beet — are widely grown on the best arable land , whilst in areas nearer the big cities , vegetables are most profitable , particularly on well-drained sandy loams .
15 It can become epidemic ; and thus grow into an ideology .
16 Blood vessels normally grow during the menstrual cycle , embryonic development and wound healing .
17 Do not remove lower buds except for plants such as gooseberries normally grown on a ‘ leg ’ .
18 A The Arum Lily ( Zantedeschia ) is normally grown in a greenhouse or conservatory , with the exception of Z. aethiopica , which is reasonably hardy , particularly the variety ‘ Crowborough ’ , which should be grown in a rich , moist soil in full sun .
19 Pot marigolds , as they are often known , are easily grown in a sunny place and light soil , being grown from seed sown outdoors in spring .
20 Like the first two species , this is a very good , decorative one , easily grown in the aquarium .
21 More serious still , during his reign the lack of contact and sympathy between ruler and people , already growing during the last two decades of the life of Louis XV , became more marked .
22 An internal squabble amongst the ranks soon grows into a minor riot with fists and curses flying .
23 The boats thus grew from no clear design — but emerged organically , with asymmetrical spars , as if barely freed from the forms of the forest .
24 We had no experience of mining or waste and it [ the mining waste ] just grew over the 18 years until look at the height of it now ’ .
25 The lowest shrub of all the sorts here mentioned is the Scotch Rose which rarely grows above a foot high , so that this must be placed among other shrubs of the same growth , which should have a moist soil and a shady situation .
26 In the unlikely setting of an industrial estate near Stroud in Gloucestershire , the elephant , cast in bronze , has been slowly growing for the past year .
27 In the unlikely setting of an industrial estate near Stroud in Gloucestershire , the elephant , cast in bronze , has been slowly growing for the past year .
28 What emerges is an attitude of resourcefulness that eventually grows into a mood of self-sufficiency and then into independence .
29 More grow alongside the drive and are a lasting pleasure to him .
30 Now , these countries have ninety five percent , and they will gro , gradually grow into a developed country .
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