Example sentences of "[adv] open [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Congress reluctantly capitulated to this final demand on Sept. 1 , thereby opening the way for Wilson to end the impasse by signing the budget bill in the early hours of Sept. 2 .
2 Dulles precipitated the crisis by peremptorily withdrawing US financial aid for the Aswan Dam , thereby opening the door to the flow of Eastern Bloc arms and influence into the Middle East — the very situation that he had feared British colonial obduracy would create .
3 The spread of global issues is slowly opening the business of managing new share issues to outside competition — years after stockmarkets have been liberalised .
4 Gingerly opening the door , which gave way easily , he saw the festoons of cobwebs , litter and crumbling plaster , exactly as before .
5 It is often asserted that the First World War rescued the Unionist Party from an impossible position and left it poised to become the dominating force ; the war broke up Liberalism and destroyed the Liberal-Labour alliance , so opening the way for Unionism ; Lloyd George carried the party to victory in 1918 , incurred the odium for the post-war slump and was cast aside ungratefully in 1922 .
6 Too many people twigged — or at least thought they did — that he had done it only to open the door of Number 10 .
7 Halfway across the Mediterranean , when the stewardess seemed oddly unresponsive to his overtures , he idly opened the file .
8 If we only opened a door partly er there is room for somebody to hide behind it and then when we go into the room then we would encounter problems .
9 A Neopolitan nobleman , Federico Grisone , studied Xenophon 's books concerning horses ; and as a result of this he not only opened a riding academy where young noblemen , including the sons of many European kings and princes , were tutored in the arts of handling horses and courtly behaviour ; but he also published , in 1550 , his book Ordini di Cavalcare , of which much had been copied from Xenophon 's works .
10 Kathy said : ‘ We only opened the Centre in January and we are trying to bring clients in slowly so they have time to adjust .
11 She gently opened the door and peeped out .
12 Aiming to the right of a big black baulk of semi-submerged driftwood , I eased the wheel back and gently opened the throttle .
13 Panting with anticipation he stood by the nailed boards as the men inside opened the yard gate .
14 He had gingerly opened the Book , which was chained to the octiron pedestal in the middle of the rune-strewn floor not lest someone steal it , but lest it escape ; for it was the Octavo , so full of magic that it had its own vague sentience .
15 He had , it seemed , merely opened the door .
16 Which perhaps opens the door for TV companies over here to step in and make stars once more out of top domestic wrestlers .
17 However , such friendship only opens the door ; thereafter the hard reality of the benefits to be gained and the risks to be run will take over .
18 No need for violence , mind , but no woman alone opens the door to anybody , not at this time of night and in a place like World 's End . ’
19 ‘ You 'd better open the door , I think , ’ the Doctor said dryly , and Howard left with a nod .
20 I 'm just opening a bottle of champagne if you … ’
21 Hang on , I 'm just opening the window again .
22 Some work on electronic beams , while others are activated by air movement — just opening the door can be enough to set off this type .
23 The man alighted and checked the street first , his hand deep in his pocket , before finally opening the door .
24 He was already opening the door to climb out .
25 Recently several independent groups , including our own at Birkbeck College , have been investigating this model in further detail and have shown how it is possible to calculate explicit particle trajectories in various contexts , thus opening the possibility of understanding quantum phenomena in terms of the behaviour of individual particles .
26 The Plan B mentioned last year was for the All Blacks to make only a fleeting visit to Australia , thus opening the way for the South Africans to make a short tour to Australia and then for the All Blacks to go to South Africa .
27 The driver twisted his arm backwards to open the door .
28 He turned away to open the case .
29 Jane flashed a grin at Patrick and turned away to open the door .
30 His words faded , and he put his hands on her shoulders again and turned her face him , holding her gaze by the sheer power of his will until , steeled and strengthened by her desperate need to break the spell , Merrill wrenched herself away to open the car door .
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