Example sentences of "[adv] draw [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 She was wearing huge aviator glasses , designed to hide but only drawing attention to the palely perfect face , the unlipsticked mouth , the silvery blonde hair fine as maize silk , which was drawn back into the nape of her neck .
2 After foolishly drawing attention to his own royal blood , Surrey was arrested on a charge of treason , which was subsequently extended to his father .
3 No , that would be merely drawing attention to something that , after all , had nothing to do with him .
4 More sensitive than their counterparts at the beginning of the decade had been to the technical qualities of Hollywood films , the critics of the time constantly drew attention to the gap between the aspirations and the achievements of British films .
5 In a message to the State Department on 25 May John J. Muccio rightly drew attention to the unwise nature of various statements relevant to Korea made in the previous five months :
6 When the Report was sent to Mrs Thatcher 's office with summaries and references prepared by the civil servants at the DES , they naturally drew attention to our firm proposals for the teaching of spelling , punctuation , grammar and written and spoken Standard English .
7 In his article ‘ Polonium : Windscale 's most lethal legacy ’ ( New Scientist 31 March , p 873 ) John Urquhart has rightly drawn attention to the omission from consideration of polonium-210 in the National Radiological Protection Board 's report on the 1957 Windscale reactor fire .
8 My hon. Friend has rightly drawn attention to the progress that has already been made .
9 Some of the claims have been on the basis of debatable information , and all have been highly selective and have only drawn attention to the adverse elements of research whilst ignoring much encouraging , positive information .
10 Thus if the first purpose of a particular religion is to help people to a sense of the presence of God and express a response to God , then the study of the ritual which helps them towards this goal must constantly draw attention to this significance .
11 Like so many of the films that were to be made during the Second World War , The Four Just Men does n't only draw attention to the nature of the enemy ; it also presents an evocative picture of just what it is that is under threat — ‘ all the roads and rivers , fields add woods and hills that make up this funny old island . ’
12 Here purists were deliberately challenging official arguments which opposed fresh legislation or greater public discussion on the grounds that this would only draw attention to sex and incite immorality .
13 The contents of this chapter can not describe the tax position on each transfer ; they can only draw attention to the possible heads of charge and reliefs available in respect of each of them .
14 Yet it is not enough merely to draw attention to the growth of what Marx called the ‘ light cavalry ’ of capitalism , without also observing a significant distinction within the developed countries ; or more precisely between the Old and New Worlds .
15 One can merely draw attention to the problem here , for local arrangements were complex and varied .
16 Therefore the point of this section is only to draw attention to some aspects of intellectual and administrative change that can be more easily observed in a discussion on sources than in a more general context .
17 But here I prefer only to draw attention to those basic principles which underlie all matters of form , whether in short phrases , large movements , or even gigantic symphonies , leaving aside the study of conventional forms ( sonata form , binary form , etc. ) which the student can find better illustrated elsewhere .
18 I have argued that correctionalism is no more inherently flawed than any other starting assumption ( including ‘ appreciation ’ ) that the alleged functions of crime are a myth , and that socialist anti-correctionalism is really nothing of the sort , but an argument about the nature of officially defined crime ( though it rightly draws attention to the fact that correctionalism can not justifiably avoid such an argument ) .
19 Edito r , — C J McCullough rightly draws attention to the part that the royal colleges might play in a reassessment of the present system of delivering health care .
20 My hon. Friend rightly draws attention to a deplorable state of affairs that applies in a limited number of authorities — about seven — of which his own in Leeds is a conspicuous example .
21 My hon. Friend rightly draws attention to the benefits of Community co-operation .
22 He rightly draws attention to the fact that it is not necessarily always one side that sometimes breaches the watchkeeping agreements and regulations .
23 My hon. Friend rightly draws attention to her many constituents who are now home owners and thus have the privilege of owning their own homes — a right which would have been denied them if we had listened to the advice of Opposition Members .
24 Trotsky thus drew attention to what was to become a recurring theme in critiques of Soviet Marxism — the bureaucratization of the mass political party .
25 Thibault lately drew attention to the potential benefits of heroic interventions for aged subjects with an account of an 87-year-old woman who was doing well after aortic valve replacement and simultaneous triple coronary artery surgery .
26 The UK nevertheless drew attention to the fact that denitrification processes are in an early stage of development and that further research is necessary and that the protection of water sources may take years to have the desired effect … ’
27 First , the one I have already drawn attention to — love is infused in us by revealing love .
28 I have already drawn attention to the power there is in weakness and it is often the case that God is able to take ordinary weak things of this world and make them powerful for him .
29 In a pre-election report entitled Politics for All , Runnymede had already drawn attention to the painful gap between … the fine statements and aspirations of official policy statements on the one hand and the painful realities of discrimination and exclusion on the other .
30 In his earlier letter to Timothy , Paul had already drawn attention to the importance of maintaining right standards of conduct alongside right beliefs .
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