Example sentences of "[adv] room for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many of the full-time farmers and the more established part-time farmers were already at maximum output so room for increase was limited .
2 THOSE OF US who are convinced there is no longer room for sentiment at the hard edge of professional sport would have found it difficult to comprehend the outpouring of emotion that followed the exclusion of Geoff Marsh from the Australian tam for the final Test against India .
3 With six large journalists aboard , all well filled with beer and sandwiches , there was scarcely room for Dyson to turn the wheel or change gear without jamming his elbow into Ted Hurwitz 's stomach .
4 Because there is always room for doubt , we are always left with room to inquire .
5 She certainly believed in equality between the sexes , especially in the work place , but felt there was always room for courtesy and manners in what was becoming an increasingly uncaring society .
6 The main aim was to win new audiences and so there was always room for experiment , especially at the better end of the market .
7 There is always room for improvement — few would argue that recent incentives ( immunisation targets , for example ) have not helped to produce better health for our patients .
8 While most do it effectively there is always room for improvement .
9 No , no there 's always room for improvement in liaison
10 However , there is always room for improvement and I think the public has little idea of the enormous problems that confront us , all of us , as the parents of these children in care .
11 There is always room for improvement , not least in their tightness and body positions at the breakdown and it would be nice to see forwards hitting rucks in threes and fours rather than ones and twos .
12 There was always room for improvement .
13 Setting the objectives , then , is at least moderately straightforward , though it can be made more complex by the addition of sub-objectives relating to secondary groups of consumers , and there is always room for argument as to how much it is realistic to expect to achieve .
14 ‘ One must be occupied , ’ murmured Toby , ‘ And besides , there 's always room for altruism .
15 Along with the mass of plants and flowers , there is still room for tables and chairs and a small barbecue .
16 So I confessed to a possibility , though it was only six weeks since Sintra and there was still room for doubt . ’
17 However there is still room for hope .
18 AGED 14-16 : Traditional classics such as Eliot 's Silas Marner , Hardy 's The Mayor Of Casterbridge and Jane Austen 's Pride And Prejudice set the tone here , though there is still room for William Golding 's classic Lord Of The Flies .
19 There is still room for others .
20 He now reads as well as other children his age , although there is still room for improvement in numeracy .
21 Zeebrugge demonstrated that was not the case and there is evidence that there 's still room for improvement .
22 But the National Audit Office , using Finnish-based international forestry consultants , overseas visits and information from Canadian forests , concluded that there was still room for improvement .
23 But there is still room for improvement .
24 Was I then being unfair when I said that , you know , in my view , we still have n't totally got our act together , there 's still room for improvement , and the thing is , you see , people are travelling to other countries .
25 I know we are in the middle of a recession , but surely there is still room for compassion .
26 While the logic of this ‘ basic needs ’ approach is appealing , there is still room for argument about precisely which needs are basic .
27 However , the big tin-can already has three times more room for experiments than the present space station , which could render the modules redundant .
28 It is obvious that where there is scope for decisions which worsen the teachers ' lot , there is also room for decisions which improve it .
29 Paperwork was usually the farmer 's nightmare and , though most got it done , there was probably room for improvement .
30 In civil legislation , there is clearly room for fault to be penalised if it is merely a mistake .
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