Example sentences of "[adv] remind him of " in BNC.

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1 She rose on to her knees and looked as though she was praying , but her eyes were fully open and the clenched look on her remarkably white face with its mannish black eyebrows suddenly reminded him of her dead mother .
2 When he discovers that Mary helps people , collects for Biafra and has protested against the Vietnam War , he is not happy because she suddenly reminds him of his mother .
3 For the remaining half-hour she would be pleasant to him , and then she would quietly and purposefully remind him of the time , and with gentle dignity insist that he take her home .
4 Hemmed in by bicks and shoulders , besieged by people wanting to shake his hand , put questions , or merely to remind him of past meetings , Cameron was struggling to respond and make each person feel attended to .
5 As I have the text in front of me , let me just remind him of the conclusions of the comparison between the preparedness of British young people and German young people for employment on the strength of the education and training systems in the two countries .
6 Nevertheless , it did add to royal pressure upon the archbishop and further reminded him of the realities of royal power : in 1285 he petitioned for the relaxation of the statute , especially in respect of grants to parish churches , but Edward reserved his right to licence — to confer or withhold favour .
7 Despite her pleas Raja Pala insisted he would only return her wings if she first bore him a child , whose eyes might always remind him of the world she came from .
8 The sight of an open pub told him how much time had passed and also reminded him of his normal comfort in moments of stress .
9 It also reminds him of possibly his darkest day in the game .
10 It now reminded him of his first visit to DEEP .
11 In 367 Pelopidas at Susa , asking for a peace treaty from Artaxerxes II , even reminded him of Thebes ' traditional friendship with Persia .
12 For his own good she frequently reminded him of the horrors and deprivations that would befall him there .
13 However , if a particular journalist writes about another part of your range of products it might be tactically useful to send samples of an inexpensive new product , even though it is not in his area , simply to remind him of your existence and to jog his memory about the rest of the range .
14 The journey in Howard 's car forcibly reminded him of that limitation , however , as he struggled to get the thing going over thirty miles per hour .
15 One then reminds him of the Smith case , and asks whether he still thinks that Smith was wrong .
16 From an early age , Sara had sensed that she irritated him , by her presence , by the fact that she was there to remind him of his wife 's earlier marriage .
17 ‘ Shih Clarac , ’ he answered , distancing the man at once and subtly reminding him of their relative status .
18 He had already learned his lesson by painful experience ; the burn-like swelling on his left calf still throbbed occasionally to remind him of the morning a week ago when he had drawn on his trousers carelessly , to discover that a scorpion had spent the night nestling in one of the legs .
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