Example sentences of "[adv] the same problem " in BNC.

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1 Much the same problem would be posed even more dramatically in the case of a polio patient in an iron lung .
2 For two years the colony staggered along , with much the same problem as the early English settlements in Virginia which had failed to find any line of activity in the first three or four years that would bring in money .
3 Facing much the same problem in 1929 , a Labour government agreed to introduce the Alternative Vote ( AV ) .
4 Much the same problem has arisen in administrative law .
5 Snails , from a hungry animal 's point of view , present much the same problem as eggs , for they too are succulent morsels enclosed in hard shells .
6 Well it 's j it 's just the same problem as playing string parts on on wind instruments , you
7 Contrast this with the words of a House of Lords Select Committee considering exactly the same problem : ‘ because of the high proportion [ of homes with polluted tapwater ] and the long-standing nature of the problem , the Committee believe that the two years for compliance with the Directive is wholly unrealistic . ’
8 This argument , which Foucault derives from Deleuze , although at the same time he tellingly invokes Sartre 's theoretical formulation designed to solve exactly the same problem , provides a way of avoiding the incommensurability of the relation of the event to the concept by allowing ‘ the disjunctive affirmation of both ’ — thus solving the problem that the concept , as a part of the language of generality , will inevitably travesty the event 's singularity :
9 No , well we 're , we 're in exactly the same problem with Traidcraft .
10 Exactly the same problem of irony is involved in evaluating Chrétien de Troyes Lancelot .
11 I had exactly the same problem when using Windows 3.1 with an Epson LQ400 printer .
12 Is the hon. Gentleman aware that in East Sussex , where the Conservatives control the county council , there is exactly the same problem because the Conservatives want to close seven old people 's homes ?
13 Well it 's exactly the same problem , I think .
14 Exactly the same problem again !
15 But it would have been exactly the same problem simple harmonic motion
16 Let us solve now the same problem by another method .
17 We discuss here the same problem as that in §2.10.2 , but vary the treatment .
18 But then the same problem applies because you 'll have had the night staff working all day Friday night , come off duty about seven , eight o'clock in the morning .
19 Alternatively , these parameters may change over time , and solutions of essentially the same problem at different time periods may be required .
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