Example sentences of "[adv] the only way " in BNC.

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1 This is perhaps the only way they feel they can be effective in the situation .
2 The light clay and red brick dust are imported from France , perhaps the only way to re-create the playing conditions that are available at Roland Garros , here in England .
3 Perhaps the only way of getting a picture would be to take one in a bird sanctuary .
4 Perhaps the only way to end this is to give in to it , ’ Travis offered , unconscious of the fact that his thumb began to caress her skin .
5 Perhaps the only way to reach a solution would be over a glass or two at the nineteenth hole .
6 So the only way to squeeze the money supply is to reduce the public 's savings .
7 So the only way they can get at the crees is through the west field and along the path here . ’
8 So the only way that you can make , I mean this is a function .
9 So the only way I seemed to be able to keep Arthur was to become dependent on him . ’
10 So the only way in which he can have any rights at all to Ricky apart from you agreeing , is to go to court himself , erm and I 'm inclined just to say lets see what he does .
11 The bit where he like jumping on the lake they 've cut away a bit of the platform so the only way you can do it is jump onto this bit of wood then fly , and literally he was like that , just going in mid air and landed right in the water !
12 They do n't need to , but , erm , I mean nine , ninety eight per cent of their sales is on sale of gas , so the only way you can make a name for yourself is getting involved in things other than gas , one , installing central heating or kitchen .
13 this company moves at such a rapid rate of knots that I have a meeting tomorrow morning with the Managing Director Building and Property Development at his house in Pitlochrie which is the only time he 's literally coming back to change his shirt before he goes wandering round the world again so the only way I can get him is to go up and stay with the in-laws over night and see him at breakfast time tomorrow .
14 So the only way I 'm going to start my business is , cold .
15 Chairman and chief executive William Donaldson says : ‘ Not all the quality companies in the world are US companies , nor are all US accounting standards and practices necessarily the only way of approaching disclosure . ’
16 Thus the only way by which the government might achieve a higher level of output would be by cheating , by not following the rule it says it will follow .
17 Because trying to meet this criterion has occupied so much of my research time in the past two decades it is worth spelling out again that to adopt a reductionist methodology in research strategy — that is , to try to stabilize the world that one is studying by manipulating one variable at a time , holding everything else as constant as possible — is generally the only way to do experiments from which one can draw clear conclusions .
18 ‘ This is still the only way we can go .
19 The sensory world is a very different world without audition , and sign language is possibly the only way of fully expressing the meaning that this world has , for it is a gestural — visual — spatial language .
20 This is also the only way for motorists who have been refused permission at Killilan to use the private road , or who did n't like to ask , and are fit enough to do eight miles there and back on foot .
21 well the reason that we 've changed the name on those two stores is that any experiments we want to conduct have got to be conducted outside the normal M F I promotional platform and as we use the national press extensively the only way to do that is to change the name .
22 The latter often stay to play with the new infant , for this is probably the only way they can learn baby care .
23 Internal reform , which only Great Britain took very seriously , was probably the only way in which the Ottoman Empire could have been kept on its feet .
24 It was probably the only way he could get one , she thought waspishly ; the law of averages no doubt decreed that one at least would believe him , and how on earth could he want her when he 'd said all those terrible things to her ?
25 Probably the only way to try and prevent it is to go into the schools and get people that have been through the proble , the problem theirselves to go into the schools and try and educate the kids to stay off drugs .
26 Clearly the only way to preserve the Taj and the other buildings at Agra is to reduce pollution significantly .
27 That is a pity : the price of financial distress is just about the only way in which the cost of capital for firms plausibly differs between the two rivals over the longer term .
28 Which makes new Gold for Cooking just about the only way you can cut down on fat without cutting out most of your favourite dishes .
29 That was just about the only way a girl could get any equal action time , if her boyfriend was behind bars . ’
30 A coalition is now the only way to bring a truce in this damaging ‘ war of laws ’ .
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