Example sentences of "[pers pn] [is] working [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She 's working as a secretary in a solicitor 's office now .
2 So I do believe in me soul that she 's working for me .
3 ‘ You know she 's working with Blake , making some kind of deal with him .
4 What happens here is that if a white lady wants to go to the toilet and she 's working on a line , she does n't ask anyone 's permission , she just gets up — out she goes , powders her nose , has a cigarette , whatever they do — then comes back .
5 She 's very much aware of what is going on around her , even though she 's working on her latest project .
6 And er she 's working on that .
7 She she 's working on some poxy thing !
8 Emma did I tell you Joe , she 's working at the Body Shop .
9 She 's working in the Ministry of Information . ’
10 She said she 's working till six , and then going to aerobics
11 She 's working like a beaver and improving in leaps and bounds . ’
12 You say she is working with the British ? ’
13 Describing herself as something of a ‘ social victim ’ , she has temporarily torn herself away from urban distractions in favour of time and space at a ‘ country abode ’ , where she is working on material for a second album , due in November .
14 Now her powerful , operatic voice appears on Soul II Soul 's ‘ A Dream 's A Dream ’ and she is working on a solo album , ‘ Glomozon ’ , to be released on the Soul II Soul label .
15 The former Dynasty star Joan jetted in from the south of France where she is working on her latest book , My Secrets , in which she discloses the health and beauty tips which keep her looking so young .
16 Louise uses both names for business purposes , Torsney when she is working for the Hygiene Training Consultancy specialising in tailor-made courses for schools , social services and private hospitals ; and Pollard in her role as hygiene consultant for B & W Hygiene , which is a manufacturer and supplier to the industry .
17 Now she is working for an advanced diploma in educational management .
18 On her return she was promptly plunged back into teaching by Caroline Little , and at present she is working as Caroline 's assistant in her Classes for the Elderly .
19 Like the rest of the group she is working against considerable odds — yet these odds are in part created by the nature of the scheme itself .
20 well that maybe true , but I think it 's working off an analogy on that , turning it the other way round and saying well erm if , if I got to the stage of erm , well possibly even seeking some information from the commission , well certainly if I gave you a conclusion for example , that it should be referred , erm and I think again even if I came to the conclusion that I should neither want , er there 's no point in seeking information from the Commission , nor should I refer it , or at least refer to the stage erm what his clients would be saying should be done in the interim and what he says in effect , for the reason he 's outlined is , er that we should proceed on the basis of erm the validity of the act erm and of the byelaws
21 Locus hints that it 's working with two major vendors developing open distributed TP applications .
22 The API is n't full enough for DEC 's tastes so it 's working with Microsoft to expand it .
23 Indeed , it says it 's working on an Asynchronous Transfer Mode SBus adaptor board , also expected by the end of the year , for use in Sparcsystem 1 , 2 , and 10 workstations : occupying a single SBus slot , it will support the Local SONET Synchronous Optical Network 155Mbps Physical Layer as defined by the Asynchronous Transfer Mode Forum .
24 Silicon Graphics says it 's working on a proprietary set of benchmarks that it 'll share with others in the fall .
25 And I think it 's both important for N C V O itself , to ensure that it 's working on issues , equal opportunities issues that affect itself , and that it 's helping the sector as a whole to do that , and and we 're very conscious of that , and er , certainly just in the last few weeks , have been looking at how we can upgrade what we 're doing in that sphere .
26 The methods that she uses erm , and I think this needs to be done well before a disaster , unfortunately so often people only react at times like this and I think it 's such a pity that they do n't do it beforehand , but it 's working on basic assertiveness skills , communications skills like giving a language for feelings , erm building up support for each other , plus the creative work — getting things down
27 I think it 's working in this club or summat .
28 Well , yes , it 's very interesting , but I 'm not sure it 's working in the same direction as almost implied by your question of implying that there was almost too much .
29 Well it 's very interesting , but I 'm not sure it 's working in the same direction as almost implied by your question of implying that there was almost too much .
30 Help will be available from the LEA not only in calculating the spending plan , but in monitoring the way it is working through the year .
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