Example sentences of "[pers pn] [is] suggest [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Cos by offering a high rate of liability it 's , it 's suggests that we
2 It 's suggested that you should linger on the great avenues and squares in the morning and afternoon , to see the swarms of officials and experts who administer the universe hurrying to and from their offices ; or sit a while in the shady walks of the various public gardens , and watch these same officials ' wives proudly taking the baby out for an airing .
3 The procedure is often of great value , but it 's suggested that for two reasons it should only be used in urgent cases — both out of consideration for Land Registry staff , and to avoid the possibility of their being swamped by too many such applications , resulting in delay , which would defeat the whole purpose of the operation .
4 This is not to argue that professionals should try to replicate the process of supporting self-advocacy , but it is to suggest that the aims , mode of operation and the nature of the professional/client working relationship should , at the very least , not be in conflict with the emergence of self-advocacy .
5 This is not to say that women 's experience , perceptions , feelings and emotions are self-validating and constitute in themselves an epistemological standpoint , or even to say that they are always correctly identified and described , but it is to suggest that philosophy would look rather different if women 's experience had the same rights of entry as that of men .
6 But it is to suggest that an image of perennial conflict between science and religion is inappropriate as a guiding principle .
7 Of course , this is mostly exaggeration , just as it is to suggest that most French club members are merely posers or that the Italians are concerned at keeping talented youngsters off the course unless they have royal blood , or at least one Ferrari .
8 to overcome this problem it is suggest that the photos are taken of the Chairman previewing the exhibition .
9 And just in case it is suggested that I 'm saying the end justifies the means , let me confirm that I 'm not .
10 So it is suggested that the Zuwaya image of statelessness was substantially a replica of how their ancestors conceived their society ought to have been , rather than a true and accurate picture of how it was .
11 It is suggested that this could be faster were it not for the introduced American Mink which may be occupying the position once held by Polecats in the habitat .
12 It is suggested that an active policy to gain consent and then disclose would be supported by the law .
13 It is suggested that citizenship is a relationship between an individual and a polity .
14 It is suggested that the civil , political and social elements of Marshall 's version of the citizenship of entitlement are essential but not sufficient for a modern concept .
15 It is suggested that recognition of this distinction is fundamental to the efficient and economical design and execution of stability tests .
16 It is suggested that the specific objectives of any given test be clearly identified before the test is started , since only if the objectives are clearly defined can the test be carried out most efficiently and with the greatest economy of time and effort .
17 It is suggested that stability testing should be a continuing process involving samples from each stage of the development of a product .
18 It is suggested that samples from at least two pilot batches should be put on full formal stability test .
19 In almost cases it is suggested that specific clearance and a specific shelf-life should be established for a given product to an identified market , or group of markets .
20 Therefore it is suggested that for the husband whose outrage forecloses the possibility of a mere divorce proceeding , a clear case exists for having the courts carve out an exception to the three-year rule so as to allow a suit to be brought for nullity through fraud or mistake.56 To the protesting reader who may feel that this spurious reasoning leads us into the realm of nonsense , the only answer is that it is the purpose of this paper to provoke a re-examination of certain fundamental values and ideas .
21 It is suggested that in the context of a monogamous union , adultery was elevated to the status of a sin ( or indeed a crime ) and grounds for divorce so as to reinforce this concept of marriage and , in the absence of birth control , to prevent the social ‘ untidiness ’ caused by the production of children not the product of a couple married to each other , with all the inheritance and support complications which could follow .
22 Consequently , it is suggested that land cultivation grants in the LFA remain withdrawn and that drainage grants are reduced to 30% under both AHDS and AHGS schemes in the LFA except in the proposed Marginal Zone ( the least handicapped Article 3(4) LFA land ) where it is recommended that they revert to the level obtaining outside the LFA ( 22 ½%),; reflecting the increased financial benefit likely to accrue from drainage schemes on such lower elevation , least handicapped land .
23 It is suggested that the UK 's existing LFA is assessed in order to define at least 3 zones of natural handicap within it , viz : —
24 The matter is discussed in detail in Chapter 9 , where it is suggested that the quality of stock on the shelves can only be maintained through extensive stock revision , and that most public library authorities would at present benefit from allocating at least 40% of their bookfunds to stock revision .
25 If it is suggested that you are not sufficiently flexible to adapt to the reshaped structure that is envisaged , you may be able to challenge that view if your past record shows a steady upward progression and if you have carried out a wide range of tasks without serious mishaps .
26 It is suggested that this grammar should provide the basis for a year 's study of Spanish .
27 In addition , it is suggested that several seismic anomalies recognised along an apparent early Carboniferous hinge-line represent biohermal build-ups .
28 Two types of wording are cited and it is suggested that they are of similar effect .
29 However , their results show that this postnatal reduction in receptor levels is less marked in women who suffer from maternity blues , and it is suggested that this may be the cause of the depression .
30 It is suggested that men become addicted to alcohol as a result of two quite different situations at work .
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