Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] [to-vb] herself " in BNC.

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1 She wants to give herself
2 ‘ It 's my job ’ , is her prompt response to any attempt to take over tasks she wants to do herself .
3 Sassenach Lilly Meaham is so terrified of bagpipes she has to lock herself in the loo every Hogmanay .
4 Lisa B says again and again that she knows as a model going into music she has to prove herself .
5 I suppose he 's just her voice in case she needs to identify herself ! ’
6 She 's made just a handful of films in the last 20 years , but the actress says she does n't miss the silver screen — she prefers to dedicate herself to children 's charity work instead
7 Once more , she tries to lull herself into dreamland via a salacious scenario starring herself and Riva .
8 Once more she tries to force herself out of passively accepting an alienating situation out of terror .
9 If she wishes to attach herself to the scare , I am delighted .
10 By law she is not allowed to smack the children and I can not understand , sometimes how she manages to stop herself when brand new wallpaper has been pulled off the wall and a clean coat of paint has been drawn on .
11 In a second phase the baby 's unified perceptions are shattered and she begins to understand herself as a subject disturbingly distant from the external world .
12 Whenever she attempts to dress herself , in the event of someone 's wedding , she scours my wardrobe , giggling girlishly at herself , throwing off her garments as though she is a small child trying on school clothes for a mother or aunt .
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