Example sentences of "[pers pn] [was/were] carrying out " in BNC.

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1 While I was carrying out my examination I would quite casually discuss recent events .
2 Discuss how your analysis would have been altered if you were carrying out the analysis on behalf of a prospective shareholder .
3 Now when you went in you were carrying out a plan with you very close behind going down to the bedroom .
4 She was flown immediately by helicopter to Hillsborough Castle in County Down where she was carrying out the only engagements of the visit , a lunch party and a garden party for 1,200 people on a day Ulster was swept by torrential rain .
5 If we were carrying out , no well I always need to get right .
6 If we were carrying out a similar survey in the future , recording conversations , would you be willing to take part ?
7 It was no wonder that in the late Seventies , when Americans were beginning to query whether they were carrying out too many coronary by-passes , Britain 's health correspondents were reporting that many people did not even know such life savers existed .
8 He used to travel around all the other cells to make sure they were carrying out their objectives . ’
9 It was never clear whether they were carrying out a routine sample spot check on the facilities or merely seeking a quick meal before a meeting .
10 They were carrying out top secret radar research .
11 For , in truth , humble flagman Ken Evans and race starter Captain Keith Brown both with years of successful racing experience behind them were carrying out their duties according to the book , as they and others like them have done without criticism in the past .
12 Ward 's voice was flat as though he were carrying out an official enquiry .
13 The company formed to explore the sunken liner said it was carrying out the search with the French Institute for the Research and Exploitation of the Sea .
14 David Quelch of Buntingford , Herefordshire , admitted using the device to remove fish at a pit in Haddenham , Cambridgeshire without consent but claimed he was carrying out a health check on behalf of the owners .
15 He was carrying out a routine inquiry when his hand was severed by a Samurai sword .
16 Meanwhile , he was carrying out his own investigations on the carcasses of horses which led to the publication in 1884 of his The Anatomy of the Horse — a Dissection Guide , followed in 1889 by The Comparative Anatomy of the Domesticated Animals .
17 I accept that it has taken a few years for the process to be completed , but everyone who studies the history books will be able to trace the downfall of the Thatcher Government — as some may still call it — to the time when she was foolish enough to remove the right hon. Gentleman from the duties that he was carrying out so successfully .
18 On appeal he was found not guilty because he was carrying out a normal procedure approved by the medical profession .
19 Addressing Liverpool Crown Court , Miss Coltman : ‘ He said he was carrying out operations at the hospital .
20 Raid terror : A brave caretaker was shoulder-charged to the ground after he disturbed three young burglars - one aged just 12 as he was carrying out his rounds at the City of Liverpool Community College .
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