Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] around in " in BNC.

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1 I walk around in it for a while anyway , watching myself approach in the mirror and admiring the way the skirt moves as I walk .
2 I know I walk around in a daze most of the day but this is bloody rediculous .
3 If I 'm going to a meeting where I know I 'm going to be the only woman I put my war paint on , if I 'm just going to be in the office all day I slob around in a skirt and a jumper with very little make up .
4 I dig around in my bag for a lipstick .
5 Well basically erm , I go around in some of the streets and try and help people , families who have missed they 've lost their chi , erm lost people and try and reunite them .
6 You walk around in a skirt and wear a bra , how was I to know ? ’
7 It 's the sort of thing it is easy to observe if you stand around in the garage during practice or generally stick around a team , watching who gets the first briefing , who is paying more attention to whom .
8 You feel around in the dark .
9 If you go around in threes it 's useless .
10 You scrape around in your head for something to talk about , ’ she 'd said , ‘ and you sip wine from Waterford crystal .
11 The French are just laughing at us as we stumble around in a fog . ’
12 and there is so many people smoking where , in the pubs that I go to and I do n't have it cos I think it looks disgusting I come here and because we go around in like threes and it 's , you know ,
13 We wade around in so many glossy pointless circulars , so many yards of dubious newsprint , that it is easy to forget this primary fact : it is words , and our ability to speak and write , which make us human .
14 When people discuss the £ ( symbol indicates serious economics , as opposed to that stuff we throw around in shops ) , I shall in future boldly proclaim : ‘ I do n't understand economics . ’
15 If Snotlings find themselves themselves further than 12″ away from a unit of Orcs or Goblins , and if they can not move to within 12″ of a unit during that movement phase , then they mill around in a confused mass .
16 They 've retired early , they 're all around 50 and they hang around in leather jackets .
17 ‘ And they stand around in pentacles trying to raise the Devil ? ’
18 Either they jump out of the Cabinet , or they jump around in it .
19 From here they must await their wave , drop into it , and be swept beneath the overhang into the cave where they grope around in total darkness filling their bags with birds ' nests .
20 They go around in gangs dressed as upmarket Brosettes , but they 're so stupid .
21 On all fours , she turns her electrocardiograph around in Max 's direction , and ours .
22 Well , the resistance of course is caused by the fact that electrons as they move around in , in , in metals , bounce off things and this erm causes their , their flow to be impeded .
23 The glass is put into their mouths as they whirl around in the shadows and lights of the torches and they chew and swallow it down — showing it in their mouths — putting out their tongues afterwards to prove either that the tongue is not cut or that the mouth is empty .
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