Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb base] go round " in BNC.

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1 I mean going round selling stuff and that sort of thing , they 're asking them , they 're doing a man 's job
2 And I like to go round and get something erm ooh I think I 'll have that , you know ?
3 I , I of course , I suppose going round with milk I 'd perhaps got more confidence th cos I had to take milk whether I wanted to or not , see and we if we got down there and there was two or three of the conductresses down the fleck and er , jump on a Dalston bus cos I 'd got to get to like , you know .
4 I go go round with the bloody out there today !
5 Fucking shit , so I 've got up fucking like this all the way round and I 've do , I 've gone round
6 I have to go round to Whitehall now .
7 I have to go round to the wife of a man — a man ! my best friend ! — whom I have just left trogging off to the tube station ; I have to go round to his wife of six weeks and tell her I love her .
8 I have to go round to the wife of a man — a man ! my best friend ! — whom I have just left trogging off to the tube station ; I have to go round to his wife of six weeks and tell her I love her .
9 Cos you keep going round !
10 And Lincoln was criticized , attacked for this , that er and he said in response to this the attention of the country has been called to the proposition that one who is sworn as the constitution says to take care that the laws be faithfully executed should himself not violate those laws a fairly reasonable proposition you might think , if your oath says to uphold the law then you start going round breaking the law er something wrong here somewhere methinks .
11 Now in fact of course you 've gone round in a ?
12 The language used seems significant : " Whatever number of unshaded squares you have to go round , limes the number by two and add six . "
13 And when you get sort of to you have to go round and then you go like ro- , there 's a big bend is n't there
14 and you go up this thing that winds in and out and like there 'd be cockerels sitting on the , on the little fences you have to go round , trying to peck you to death , er I was like only tiny , you know , it was just like
15 Anyway , yeah , and so , right I go to Bunnie and I , can you take me home yes , cos I 'm supposed to be going to a pizza to have pizza round my friend 's house , he goes , mm , they 're going , oh we 're starving , you have to go round to somebody 's house , I said he goes well I 'll take you stra , I 'll take you as soon as we 've had something to eat .
16 We 've gone round looting and raping , we 've got to learn to just be . ’
17 " There 's no entrance now to the back of the house ; we have to go round to the front .
18 Yeah they do no they do go round .
19 But at least things have moved , and at least they 've gone round .
20 If they laugh , they have to go round with the cushion .
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