Example sentences of "[pers pn] [art] quick [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 BR 's journey planner tells you the quickest way from A to B. Shame it ca n't tell you which trains will run on time …
2 Let his man make his way back there , and let me have the third horse and bring you the quickest way to Ullesthorpe .
3 ‘ I 'll show you the quickest way , ’ offered Carol .
4 This note is to give you a quick update — the report still has to go to the Computer Needs Group .
5 Before I get all excited and explain how the graphics work , I 'll give you a quick run down on the storyline : Jeremy Hartwood , a painter , was found suspended by a rope in his old mansion house .
6 I 'll tell you a quick story , a quick anecdote about Kinsey .
7 I will give you a quick tour from the air , ’ he added just as she opened her mouth to give him a caustic reply .
8 I said no .. , so he said er , I 'll show you a quick video he said , and he showed me this video , part in Manchester and part in Peterborough two old girls got these crash helmets on
9 ‘ I 'll give you a quick bath and then it 's straight to bed . ’
10 Go on I 'll give you a quick bath .
11 We have told you about making wide margins , which will give you a quick view both of the skeleton of the subject and of the important findings and memorable conclusions of the study .
12 you a quick game .
13 This is said to give you a quick energy boost .
14 ‘ Yes , you will , Lindie , ’ he ordered tenderly , then added on a lighter note , ‘ There 's one thing about junk food — it gives you a quick fix of carbohydrates and sugar .
15 She gave me a quick look , softened by a little smile .
16 He shot me a quick look from under those bushy brows .
17 He gave me a quick look to check that I was really there , and an even quicker look round the garden to see if there were any other responsible local citizens around to witness this triumphant affirmation of an afterlife .
18 ‘ They gave me a quick sponge down and the second take worked .
19 For my benefit would you just like to sort of give me a quick rattle through as as as to what you intend to do .
20 The spherical objects are very fragile and must be guided by Steg , to do this he must either nudge them or give them a quick blow ( erm … yes , fair enough — Ed ) .
21 The doors to the three lavatories were open and she gave them a quick inspection .
22 Miss Pope gave them a quick smile .
23 The Chancellor slapped an immediate ban on Business Expansion Schemes offering loans to investors , a device used to give them a quick payback worth the equivalent of as much as 30 per cent per year .
24 Well erm , I 've just gave them a quick rinse because the erm , that stuff 's
25 Endill told him the quickest way out of the school .
26 Mr. Thorpe had available to him a quicker way to secure the referral that he was seeking to the unit in Birmingham , so the process was not finally concluded in north Devon .
27 ‘ I gave him a quick flash of my headlights and he immediately slammed on his brakes , ’ he said .
28 She gave him a quick look out of the corner of her eyes .
29 Shiona darted him a quick look , her heart still pounding .
30 At the foot of the stairs Ronni darted him a quick look .
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