Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [det] history " in BNC.

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1 I think that history is interesting insofar as it will tell us something about the future .
2 By that time I had some history of being involved in socialist politics , which helped make sense of the external world , and a dawning recognition that there was also an inner world to be explored and that the psyche could n't just be dealt with by an effort of will .
3 Well I wrote that history erm that social history of England with erm one point very much in mind .
4 ‘ I wonder if she has any history ? ’
5 book , you , you say that history is not something , I ca n't remember the quotation exactly but roughly it was to do with history 's not something that you just write and put up on the shelf , it 's
6 If you read more history instead of newspapers , my boy , you 'd realise that 's the way it has always been . ’
7 It had this history , this tradition and all this wonderful old packaging that it was n't using , ’ he says .
8 On Sampson 's behalf he denied that he had any history of criminal activity or mental instability — not much point going on if he did n't — and then with the records from the gun case drawer he compiled a list of the weapons that Sampson already possessed .
9 Insisting that religious faith must be absolutely certain and secure , it decides that history can never provide such security and thereby loses interest in history altogether .
10 I do n't know if he knows any history . ’
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