Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] consider [art] " in BNC.

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1 And I rarely consider the fact that Scottish MPs form the bulk of the Party 's support in the House of Commons .
2 I am no less interested to observe that , for Eliot , who always seemed unhurried , ‘ there is plenty of time ’ could mean a period of not much more than three weeks for reading ( the Strachey book being pretty long ) , writing typing and dispatching : which , given the fact that Spender 's book had not arrived , that I was teaching all day and conducting some evening classes , I still consider a tight fit .
3 This I still consider the most brilliant course of lectures I have ever heard anywhere , and I have heard a great many .
4 ‘ No , ’ he answered softly , ‘ I 'm saying that I now consider the IRB to be of only secondary importance . ’
5 I now consider the older person to be a victim more than the carer .
6 Against that general background I now consider the detailed statutory provisions relating to administrative receivers .
7 If I now consider an event of a moment ago , my idle contemplation of the cup on my table , and attempt to subtract from my present conception only a part of it-the subject within the event of a moment ago-and to hang on to the remainder , I am in fact left with something other than the content of the event .
8 Decent Labour win : the drinks are on me , as I soberly consider the difficult times ahead , and the paradise that will surely succeed them .
9 ‘ Are you saying , ’ he asked in his rough Scots burr , ‘ that you now consider the IRB to be no longer of any importance ? ’
10 If this has n't enticed you then consider the Caribbean isle of Petit St Vincent where guests stay in luxurious stone cottages .
11 If we just consider a single locus , the equilibrium frequency is .
12 We shall see more formally why this is the case when we discuss bonds in Chapter 6 , but it is a relationship which is easy to grasp intuitively if we just consider the position of a holder of existing bills .
13 We thus consider the effect of passing a turbulence signal through a frequency filter before the usual squaring and averaging .
14 We also consider the use of export processing zones ( EPZ ) and commercial diplomacy in regional trading blocs .
15 We also consider the areas that need further research .
16 We also consider an ‘ alternative model ’ where there is primogeniture ( and again fixed family size ) ; this is discussed later .
17 We now consider a particular case , a simple ordered overlayer surface .
18 We now consider the ‘ costs ’ to a society of a moderate inflation rate .
19 Having examined the main reasons which explain the predominance of localised , single-employer bargaining on the North American continent we now consider the case of Japan , the other major country in which collective bargaining is normally conducted on an enterprise basis rather than in the form of industry-wide agreements .
20 If we now consider the relations he posits between them we find ourselves facing a comparable problem ; although he posits numerous interconnec-tions between the components of social formations , he neither explains how he arrives at them nor describes them in any detail .
21 We now consider the forces on the cylinder as it passes through the atmosphere .
22 We now consider the estimates of distance to the SNR and the pulsar .
23 We now consider the thermal state and crustal thickness , to determine the likelihood that the trondhjemites were produced by melting of the lower crust .
24 So far , we have restricted our attention to unrepeated real roots of the characteristic equation belonging to a matrix A ; we now consider the case of two equal real roots .
25 We now consider the sector which comprises institutions other than those in the monetary sector .
26 We now consider the combined effects of increased polarization on both the WD and MD curves .
27 We now consider the effect of a tax at rate T KX on the use of capital in the X sector , affecting both marginal and fixed costs , taking for simplicity the case .
28 We now consider the concept of balanced growth incidence , where changes in taxation are accompanied by offsetting adjustments in monetary policy to hold constant the capital-labour ratio .
29 By way of contrast , we now consider the effects of taxation in the alternative model , where inheritance , and the unequal division of estates , leads to concentration of wealth .
30 We now consider the principles by which nationalized industries should be run .
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