Example sentences of "[adj] to believe that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yet it would be wrong to believe that Hamas controls hearts and minds in the strip .
2 It is popular to believe that managers are responsible for developing their people but closer examination reveals this to be a nonsense .
3 A Friday afternoon class not too prepared to believe that art was the most important thing that they could be doing at that time soon discovered they were wrong .
4 The chronicler William of Newburgh was disposed to believe that King Sverre of Norway had brought about the destruction of King Magnus 's fleet in 1186 by invoking the Devil .
5 The police , too , had drunk quite a lot of beer by now , and before long they were very willing to believe that Oliver was not the robber of the night before .
6 Greenpeace expedition leader , Paul Horsman , said that he did not blame the Iranians since " misunderstandings were bound to occur " , but that few people seemed willing to believe that Greenpeace was an organization wholly independent of Western governments .
7 It is unrealistic to believe that warning labels will do anything to reduce alcohol abuse .
8 Dr John Habgood , speaking in the Lords during the second reading debate on the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill , said : ‘ Christians are no more required to believe that humanness is created in an instant than we are required to believe in the historical existence of Adam and Eve . ’
9 The intervention of the unsavoury witchdoctor Zikali , who appears to be in mental communication with Ayesha as she rules in Kôr , in a way diminishes her immortal , all-powerful aspect , yet it is easy to believe that Allan , always tormented by memories of his two beloved wives , Mane and Stella , should be persuaded by Zikali to visit Ayesha and win through her power a glimpse of the lost ones .
10 The huge , gently tilting summit plateau is vast and it is easy to believe that locals held horse races here last century .
11 A day of celebration and a day of tragedy , one superimposed upon the other , so that Amabel , who did not even wish to be rational , found it easy to believe that Ben Braithwaite had broken not only Linnet 's heart , but Gemma 's .
12 Looking at his work , it is easy to believe that Rackham recorded , rather than imagined , these events .
13 Even if the defendant himself can plausibly say that he did not intend to use violence , it is sufficient if he uses the language or behaviour in a situation where the addressee is likely to believe that violence will be used against him either by the speaker or by other persons .
14 It was admitted that occasionally the good were afflicted too , and that in these cases God was probably testing their faith , or even possibly allowing them their purgatory on earth , but on the whole the Church found it more satisfactory to believe that madness was punitive and well-deserved .
15 It is similarly naive to believe that management who have relied on these external services will necessarily be able to control them when they are brought in-house
16 It would be naive to believe that employers who discourage or attempt to undermine Trade Unions do so out of any altruistic motive , such as concern for the individual employee .
17 It is hard to believe that Thucydides when he wrote these words had not lived to see at least the Spartan Thibron 's Asian expedition of 400 .
18 It is hard to believe that Joan and I have now been staying on the east coast for six months .
19 Certainly it is hard to believe that bull-leapers grasped the horns , and relied on the tossing movement to get them safely over the bull 's head .
20 However , given that such maps exist , I find it hard to believe that distances could be estimated by a method analogous to using Pythagoras ' theorem .
21 Looking back over Pearson 's historical review , it is hard to believe that Britain 's cities are any more perilous today than those of pre-industrial times , or when they were frequented by gangs of Garotters and Hooligans .
22 It was hard to believe that Father Poole was eighty years of age .
23 When Peter Adamson wrote the NI 's first editorial back in 1973 he would have found it hard to believe that things could get much worse in the field of trade — but they have .
24 I found it hard to believe that Flora could suffer like other people from minor humiliations , personal relationships .
25 She found it hard to believe that Julius would actually carry out his threat to tell the press about that letter , but she could n't be absolutely sure he would n't do it .
26 It was hard to believe that Howarth had worked here for almost a year .
27 Given its success after only eighteen months , and the current plans to extend the Thameslink network , it now seems hard to believe that passengers have enjoyed the ability to cross London by regular electric BR services for such a short time .
28 Faced with this combination of forced scrupulosity and ingenious casuistry it is hard to believe that gratuities were an entirely natural and accepted part of the system .
29 Given the substantial experience that many schools have built up of alternative timetabling structures — through the provision of BTEC courses , for instance , or CPVE , or through modular and cyclical courses under TVEI — it is hard to believe that schools will not take the opportunity of reviewing present practice to reflect more closely what we know about effective learning .
30 IT 'S hard to believe that Damon Hill is still in his first full season of Formula One .
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